Chapter 21 - i love you too

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They were all seated in (now) Nialls' flat. Harry had his luggage to the side of the couch he was sitting on as they were watching The Visit.

"This movie is so fucking stupid." Louis comments as the grandma appears from behind the child.

Meanwhile, Harry is gripping onto Louis for dear life, whimpering into his neck.

Louis can feel eyes on him, so he turns and sees Nick staring at him. He gives him the finger and turns back to the movie, playing with Harrys' curls.

After a couple more minutes, the movie is completely over, Niall booing and throwing popcorn at the screen.

"I'm going to the bathroom, love. I'll be right back." Louis grunts and gently pushes Harry off of him, standing up and wiping the imaginary dust from his jeans.

He walks away from the group and into the bathroom, pulling down his pants and taking a piss (omg weird for me to type this).

After he's done, he washes his hands, but stays a little bit longer and looks himself in the mirror.

"Is it even legal to be this good looking?" Louis chuckles to himself and opens the door. Once he steps out he gets pushes against the wall, a whimper escaping his lips.

He sees Nick in front of him, looking at him like he's some steak.

(Louis could really go for some steak.)

"I can be a submissive for you." Nick breathes out and Louis coughs.

"Fuck off and brush your teeth." Louis tries to struggle out of Nicks' grip, but it's no use.

"I can bend over anytime you want me to." Nick tries to kiss Louis but he dodges it.

"Yeah, so I can kick your ass back from where you came." Louis replies sassily, kicking Nick in the balls.

Nick groans and doubles over, falling on the ground. Louis smirks and kicks him one time on the stomach before feeling satisfied and walking away.

"Hi, princess." Louis kisses Harrys' cheek when he sits down next to him, pulling him on his lap again.

"Where's Nick?" Niall asks, looking at Louis.

Who the fuck cares about him? Is what Louis wants to say but instead he says, "Oh, he went in the bathroom after me."

Then, Louis kisses Harry slowly, gripping his cheeks and putting so much love into it.

Nick clears his throat from behind them, indicating that he's in the room.

Niall runs up and hugs him, feeling like such a third wheel around Louis and Harry.

Little did Niall know that Nick felt like a third wheel too.


"Can't believe i'm already moved in with you." Harry mumbles against Louis' lips, them already finished with unpacking Harrys' luggage.

"We're going to have so much fun." Louis pulls back and wiggles his eyebrows.

"What do you have planned?" Harry smirks as he kisses down Louis' neck, slightly sucking on the golden skin.

"Like bake cupcakes and make homemade ice cream!" Louis shouts and Harry pulls back, laughing at him.

"Or I could ride you, daddy?" Harry whispers innocently, looking down at Louis with his green eyes.

Louis groans and closes his eyes, re-opening them so Harry can see his pupils dilated.


Louis gets cut off by the door swinging open, seeing Mickey holding a phone as if she was recording them.

And she was.

"Oh, hey guys! I was just showing my mom around your mansion, Louis. She loves it." Mickey lies smoothly and Harry giggles.

"Let me talk to her." Louis tests Mickey.

"Oh my god! She hung up! Well, bye." Mickey runs out of the room, tripping on her way out and Louis laughs, shutting the door and turning back to Harry.

"I love her." Harry breathes out and shakes his head, smiling to himself.

"What about me?" Louis teases, pouting.

And before Harry can stop himself, he's blurting out, "I love you too."

The room is silent, Harry and Louis staring at each other wide eyed.

"Oh- I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for it to slip out. I swear, I wasn't thinking. Not that I don't love you but still-" Louis cuts Harry off by pressing his lips against Harrys', forcefully shoving his tongue in his mouth.

Harry whimpers and thrusts his hips up, wanting some sort of friction, Louis doing the same. Louis bites Harrys' lower lip and the green eyed boy moans out loud. God, they were horny.

Louis stops kisses Harry after a couple minutes and the younger boy whimpers.

"I love you too." Louis breathes.

And from the other side of the door, Mickey is silently cheering, because she got it on tape.


can i just give a shoutout to mickey? i love her so much !! larrystylinsonvevo

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