Chapter 15 - nialls' new lover

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"Niall, I'm home!" Harry calls out once he enters his house.

Before Harry can process, he's getting attacked by Niall with a hug, almost knocking him down.

"I missed you so much." Niall fake sobs into his shoulder and Harry awkwardly pats his back.

"It's only been a couple days . . ." Harry trails off and Niall pulls away from the hug.

"A couple days without you feels like years." Niall laughs and smiles.

They both sit down on the couch after that, talking about what has been on in their lives.

"And so, Louis and I are in a relationship." Harry mumbles slowly and Niall acts surprised, opening his mouth in an o and placing his hands on his cheeks.

"Oh my god, really?" He laughs. "I already knew you guys were going to be in a relationship, dummy."

"Oh yeah? And how about that time I caught you kissing that guy- we never talked about that." Harry shoots back playfully.

Nialls' face is burning up like the jonas brothers (i love you if you get this).

"Cmon, we were talking about you here-" Niall try's to defend himself but Harry cuts him off, a smirk on his face.

"No, tell me all about him." Harry says like a teenager, jumping up and down on the couch.

"Okay, okay. So his name is Nick." Niall blushes when he mentions his name and Harry stops smiling.

Where has he heard that name before?

"-and he has black hair in like a quiff. He's just so gorgeous!" Niall squeals and Harry pretends to squeal too, but he's too focused on where he's heard that name before.

"So, you're gay?" Harry asks bluntly.

"Bi." Niall corrects and leans back on the couch, smiling to himself.

"Thanks for coming out!" Harry laughs. "But can I just say, I was going to hook you up with one of Louis' maids or whatever."

"What's her name?" Niall questions as he pulls out his phone, texting someone.

"Her names Mickey." Harry smiles because he misses her jokes.

"Like Mickey Mouse?" Harry nods. "That's a really cute name, mate."

"I know. And she's insanely funny, you guys would be cute." Niall massages his chin.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but i'm interested in Nick at the moment."

There's that name again. The name that Harry swears he's heard before.

The curly haired lad laughs awkwardly, "Yeah, sorry."

"But, let's do something today!" Niall exclaims and gets off the couch, pulling Harry up with him.

"Like what?"

Niall whispers, "Rollerskating."


Harry falls on his bum for the tenth time, listening to Niall and other people snicker at him.

His lips form into a pout, which makes Niall skate over to him and help him up.

But once Harry gets up, he slips right away and since he's holding Niall, the Irish lad falls with him.

They both groan but laugh, getting back up but making sure not to hold on to each other this time.

Harry skates through the wooden floor more gracefully this time, trying out new tricks too.

Niall and Harry both hear giggles of girls behind them, but they just speed up.

When they were in the middle of talking and laughing, a girl skates right in front of them and they both stop abruptly.

"Hi." she giggles and twirls a piece of her hair.

Harry gives her a fake smile and shoves his hands in his pockets.

"What do you want?" Niall asks harshly and Harry has to stifle on a laugh.

The girl seems surprised with Nialls' attitude, but quickly changed her face into a smirk, inches closer to them. "Do you guys have girlfriends?"

"No, but we have boyfriends." Harry blurts out when he can start to smell her perfume and her eyes widen.

"You guys are-" and she can't even finish her sentence because she falls right on her bum.

Harry barks out a laughter and so does Niall.

"I swear that is always funny." Niall laughs when they skate away from her.


Niall drops off Harry at Louis' mansion, his mouth gaping too.

"Hopefully we can hang out again. And hopefully you'll spend more time at your flat." Niall jokes and Harry grins.

"I'll text you, Ni." Harry says and gets out of the car, knocking on the door which Mickey answers to.

"Come in, us maids are just cleaning the floor right now. So, take off your shoes." Mickey invites him and Harry does as she says, taking off his boots.

He walks to Louis' room, hoping he didn't leave a bigger mess for the maids.

The younger lad knocks on the door before opening it and walking in, seeing Louis wearing his reading glasses while looking at some book.

"Hey gorgeous- uhm, I mean flawless." Louis puts down his book and smiles when he hears Harry say that.

Harry crawls on top of his bed and snuggles into Louis' side, both smiling at each other.

"How was your photoshoot?" Harry questions softly.

"It was great, they did a Calvin Klein shoot. How was hanging with Niall?" Louis kisses the top of Harrys' head and Harry suddenly remembers Nialls' new crush.

"Good. Hey, uhm . . . What color hair does Nick have?"

"Black, why are you asking?" Louis looks at Harry with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, nothing." Harry brushes it off, because surely there are plenty of Nicks' in world who have black hair.



sorry for the wait !!

this story is about to take a complete turn. get ready *smirking emoji*

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