Chapter 35 - shopping with daddy

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Louis and Harry had been together for so long, that it wasn't surprising that they fucked in every place of their home. In the kitchen, against the wall, in the bathroom, outside on the itchy green grass, and every single guest room—and boy, there were many guest rooms for sure. Probably about thirteen, not that Harry is complaining.

He never got tired of Louis' witty remarks, or when he would tease him about his horrible jokes (although some of them were quite funny, but Louis didn't need to tell him that). He still loved Louis with all his heart, just like a year ago. They were so deep in love that whenever someone would see them on the streets, looking at each other in admiration, they would coo.

Louis and Harry were currently in the living room, each doing their own little thing. While Louis was reading the very boring newspaper with glasses resting on his nose, Harry was perched up on his lap, playing with the small strands of hair from the back of Louis' neck. It always calmed the blue eyed man for some reason.

"Daddy . . . What did you want to do today?" Harry whispers, leaning forward a bit and placing a small kiss on Louis' forehead, caressing his cheek afterwards. He watched how Louis' lips would turn up right into a small, loving smile. Harry was so adorable not to smile at.

"I think that we should go out and shop for some new laced panties, what do you think?" Louis informs Harry, taking one of his hands of the newspaper and placing it lightly on Harrys hip, massaging the bare skin under his plain white tee. The lanky boy closes his eyes at the touch, relaxing instantly.

"I—I'd love that, Lou. I'd really love that," Harry pauses for a second, squirming around in Louis lap when the man shoved his hand down Harrys' pants (the back part) and rested on his pink laced covered bum. "I love you." He whimpers, resting his head against Louis' and moving his bum back a little so his daddy could touch him more.

"Yeah? Well then, you'd have to get ready right now, princess. Since it's a Saturday it may be crowded." Louis tells him, setting down the paper on the  small coffee table beside him, placing his now other opened hand on Harrys' thick thigh while kneeling his bum. He does that for a while, teasing Harry before pulling away.

Harry whines, biting his lower lip while he gets off of Louis lap and stands up, walking out of the room with Louis trailing behind him. They walk up the stairs and into their bedroom, Harry immediately going over to his side of the drawers and pulling out a nice lilac colored sweater. Louis on the other hand gets out a green adidas sweater and pulls it over his body, covering every inch of skin that Harry aches to see everyday.

Once they're finished with dressing themselves, Louis goes in the bathroom and quickly fixes his hair, swooping it to the side making it look like he just came out of bed but in a good way—if that even makes sense. When he comes out, Harry is sitting on the bed, waiting for his lover patiently with a small smile settled on his lips.

"You ready to go, princess?" Louis breathes out, tugging his black skinny jeans up higher while jumping, making him look like a kid and Harry laughs at the sight. Louis gives him a questioning look and the green eyed boys cheeks turn a rosy pink.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go."


"Such a lovely place at night, innit?" Louis questions as Harry swings their hands back and fourth. There were lights hung up since it was getting pretty close to Christmas (and Louis' birthday). They illuminated against the dark color of the sky, making everything look to beautiful to look at. Harry nods, dimples engraving his cheeks.

And as mentioned, people would coo and aw at them as they walked by, bright smiles on their face. Every time they did Louis would lean over and gently kiss Harry cheek before whispering in his ear, "It's you they are admiring, Princess. It's you who takes everyones breath away from your beauty."

They walk in Victoria's Secret and move over to the panties section, Louis secretly hoping that no worker would come over to them and ask if they needed anything because they were fine. Louis observes Harry as the boy picks up a pair of innocent white panties, checking the size and putting it back, grabbing one that was slightly larger.

"What colors do you think I should get, Louis?" Harry turns to Louis, scrunching up the material in his hand a little because he was anxious to hear what Louis would say. The model looks down at the panties, eyes landing on the black, red, and pink ones. They were always his favorite because they complimented Harrys' skin perfectly.

"I think these." Louis picks them up and hands them to Harry, watching him flush a bright pink when people would look at them, some with faces scrunched up in disgust. But it didn't bother Louis. Everyone had their own different taste and if guys wanted to wear girl clothes, then so be it. No need of judgement or rudeness.

"Right, let's go pay for them, shall we?" Harry offers, turning around and walking away with panties gripped in his hands. Louis follows after him, thanking the lord when he sees only one customer in line to get checked up. He patiently waits with Harry, having his baby place his back onto his chest so he could rest his body for a while.

They are called up next after a few minutes, a lady greeting them with a smile and taking the panties from Harry to ring them up. "You guys are adorable." She giggles, typing something on the computer before telling them the price. "That'll be £34.23, please." she holds out her hand for the money, Louis giving her a fifty pound bill.

Louis listens as Harry whines about how he always pays for his stuff, never letting him pay once but he hushes him with a small kiss to the side of his neck. After the kind lady gives them their change back, Harry collects the bag in his hand and they walk out of the store.

They stride in comfortable silence, Louis' hand on his side and pulling him even closer. Harry sighs into the embrace, loving the warmth Louis always seems to provide. His mind was always filled up with LouisLouisLouis. He gets knocked out of his thoughts when something bright flashes his eye, looking up at the lady who is walking past them with a gorgeous ring on her finger, laughing at something her husband said—and there's only one thing on Harrys mind.

He wants a ring.

NOTE: have you guys been noticing that i write hella better like fook yeah

by the way i am going to update on louis' birthday so heads up for that

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