Chapter 3 - first date & explanations

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Harry stumbles into his flat- which he shares with Niall- and curses violently when he stumbles over a shoe.

"Niall?" he calls out, trying to find the light switch.

It's twelve in the morning, where could he be?, Harry thinks.

"Niall." Harry calls out more clearly and finally finds a light switch, turning it on and starts walking to Nialls' room.

He hears groans and whimper when he started to inch closer, which makes Harry scared.

"Niall?" he calls softly and immediately slams his palm over his mouth when he sees Niall making out with a boy.

A boy.

Harry squeaks loudly and Niall pulls away from the kiss, lips swollen and a deep red.

"H- Harry?"

"That's my name." Harry nods and bites down on his lower lip, trying to control himself.

"I didn't expect you to be here so soon." Niall breathes and the guy crawls off of him, laying down by his side.

"Ni, it's twelve in the morning," Harry starts. "You know what? I'm tired. You can explain all of-" Harry moves his hands around, "-this, tomorrow morning."

Harry swiftly turns on his heal and walks quickly out of the room, looking uncomfortable as ever.

He quietly walks to his room and takes of his pieces of clothing, only leaving him in his Calvin Klein boxers.

His feet drag him towards his bed and he settles under the covers, a smile on his face just as he is about to fall asleep-

His phone dings.

Harry opens his eyes annoyingly, a smile still on his face- which kind of looks like a death smile- as he reaches over to get his phone.

He clasps it in his hand and presses the power button, turning it on.

"Ah." Harry screams quietly as the bright light burns his eyes, making him go blind for a slight second.

His finger turns the brightness down and he looks at his new message.

Lou: Goodnight, Harry. I hope tomorrow is a wonderful day for you.

Harry almost scoffs from Louis' formal writing.

Harry: goodnight, Louis.


Harry groans when he makes his eyes pry open and get hit with sunshine, stretching his limbs.

"Harry?" he hears Niall calling out.

He ruffles his hair messily and tosses it up, checking himself in the mirror before walking to the living room.

"Harry, there you are. I was about to walk in there and drag you out here myself. Louis' here." Niall announces and Harrys' eyes widen.

"I have to change!" Harry tries to run but it's too late, Nialls' already let Louis come in.

Harry flushes a dark red when he makes eye contact with Louis, trying to cover himself because his boxers aren't enough.

"Oops." Harry spills out.

"Hi." Louis replies, quite amused with the sight in front of him.

"I'll just leave you two alone . . ." Niall trials off as he backs away slowly.

Baby Boy ✧ Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now