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Artist: Eric Heyliger



Historical Context:
The Baku is said to be a creature that devours nightmares in Japanese mythology, however it originates in Chinese folklore.. According to legends, they are created with the leftover parts of animals that the gods couldn't find use for.

Height: ≈ 130cm

Weight: ≈ 200kg

Life-span: ≈ 12-20 years

Attack: 50 // claws to attack evil

Armour: 10 // fleshy skin, no plates or tough skin

Defence: 70 // trunk and tusks

Stealth: 00 // these creatures are not built for stealth

Diet: herbivore // leaves, fruit, vegetables, hay

Habitat: varies // typically a forest area with cold temperatures.

Habitat: varies // typically a forest area with cold temperatures

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Artist Unknown


Most bakus aren't too focused on their given sex, as this doesn't change their temperament or ability to devour dreams. The only way this affects them is when they reproduce. The male baku is referred to as a bull, and the female is referred to as a cow. The offspring is referred to as a calf.


There are two main descriptors of the baku. Some describe it as a chimera with an elephant's trunk, rhinoceros eyes, an ox tail and tiger paws, which fits the description of left over body parts of other animals. However, most accounts with these creatures have discoverers describing them as tall as a lion, with the tusks, trunk, and tail of an elephant, with tiger paws, while being covered with fur. Another description of this creature is how similar it is to a tapir. 

The reason for its multiple physical appearances is due to the fact that a baku will appear to a child who calls it in the most comforting form to the child. However, a baku must still have tusks, horns, and claws to fight off the evil that comes out of nightmares in order to truly devour it.


Bakus are not relational creatures. They don't rely on each other to survive because there aren't many threats that hold against them. Bakus will reproduce once a lifetime and only produce one offspring after a three-year pregnancy period. The cow will stay with the calf until three years of age, and then the calf is welcome to roam whenever it wills, whether that's with the cow or by itself. The bull leaves the cow once the calf is born.

 The bull leaves the cow once the calf is born

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Artist: blayrd on DeviantArt


Bakus aren't creatures who must hunt for their fill. They graze in forest areas for greens, fruits, and other herbal ingredients that are available to them without any restrictions. Bakus, however, do hunt and devour dreams, as depicted in the image above. Mostly, a baku won't have to chase after a bad dream, but it can become a form of entertainment for them when the nightmare does try to escape the baku and continue to haunt the child. If a nightmare is not properly devoured, the child will still remember it.

These creatures aren't relational creatures, as mentioned earlier. They are most commonly found by themselves, and on other occasions, seen with only one other baku. This is either a cow with its calf or mates who are staking out a pregnancy period. Other than that, bakus are never found in herds. 


Though these creatures have roamed the wild for millions of years, nowadays, it is more practical to keep one close to a community. As most know, a baku can be summoned to devour a nightmare and bring comfort to a child who calls it. These gentle creatures can be kept in orphanages, boarding schools or large family estates as long as it is tended to with extreme care. They will not attack you, but a happier baku is more likely to live longer and successfully devour nightmares than one that is being mistreated. 


Bakus aren't rare creatures, but they aren't common either. Their population is steady and doesn't grow at a fast rate. Moreover, these creatures are typically the same and have only small variations in their appearances. This is not to say there haven't been records of these creatures in different climates altogether, like below:

 This is not to say there haven't been records of these creatures in different climates altogether, like below:

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Artist: nurikabenuri

The main thing to understand about these magnificent creatures is that they consume nightmares. One may roam a particular region in the world, like the desert baku above, to offer its services to the children stranded in the desert. 

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