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Artist ~ Unknown



Historical Context:
The Caladrius is said to originate from Roman Mythology as a bird that sits in the Kings house. It is said that the bird was able to absorb sickness from people, then would fly away (taking the sickness). In doing so, the Caladrius would heal the person and itself.

Height: ≈ 65-75cm

Weight: ≈ 1.6 kg

Life-span: ≈ 3 - 8 years

Attack: 00 // non-aggressive, will not attack

Armour: 00 // soft flesh covered in fluffy feathers

Defence: 60 // incredibly fast when flying

Stealth: 70 // light weight, quiet flier

Diet: herbivore // berries and seeds

Habitat: can be found anywhere, but they prefer cooler temperatures

Habitat: can be found anywhere, but they prefer cooler temperatures

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Artist ~ Unknown

The female caladrius is known as a hen, and the male caladrius is known as a cock. Their offspring are known as chicks.

Covered in white feathers, this beautiful bird is enticing. There are various physical descriptions of these birds. In some variations, they are similar to doves, others are like an ibis, some are a stalk-like creature or a hummingbird. All these different appearance have one common occurrence; white feathers. In some depictions, the caladrius' feathers are tainted blue, and others are golden.

These creatures are not known for their romantic notions. Despite this fact, these birds mate for life. The hen can produce up to twelve eggs in her lifetime, and will spend two periods of their lifetime caring for the young before leaving them and never returning. Unlike doves, which they resemble to, love and romance isn't something they care for, but more just a natural and biological urge.

 Unlike doves, which they resemble to, love and romance isn't something they care for, but more just a natural and biological urge

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Artist ~ Unknown

The caladrius' diet involves seeds and berries; items that do not require hunting. However, when they grow hungry, they will search for a food source. While a caladrius is raising their offspring, they will gather berries for the chicks.

The caladrius is a calm and timid bird. They are easily trained as house pets, and often kept in medical bays and nursing areas. Due to their calm nature, a caladrius should not be kept in a loud household without a place to hide away from the noise.

Every caladrius is able to heal a sick patient by taking the illness from the person, but some are born with a special ability. While being able to heal a singular being from sickness, some calabrius' are able to tell if you will live or die. This can be related to the illness the subject has or just in general. It is said that caladrius' are either the harbinger's of hope or despair.

 It is said that caladrius' are either the harbinger's of hope or despair

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Artist ~ Melibeus on Twitter

(I'm so sorry I couldn't find any of the artistssss *cryyy*)

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