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Historical Context:
Sleipnirs originated in Norse mythology. It is said that God of Michief, Loki, created this creature.

Height: ≈ five foot
Weight: ≈ 1,000 kilograms
Life span: ≈ 25-30 years
Attack: 60// bucking, biting and charging
Armour: 50// strong tough skin, can be enhanced by man made armour
Defence: 60// long legs enable bucking and a quick getaway
Stealth: 30// large beasts and eight hooves that can have shoes on them at times. Coat does not allow them to camouflage
Diet: herbivore// fruit, vegetables, flowers and grass
Habitat: varies// wild sleipnir's are mainly found in woods, meadows and wide open plains

 Coat does not allow them to camouflage Diet: herbivore// fruit, vegetables, flowers and grassHabitat: varies// wild sleipnir's are mainly found in woods, meadows and wide open plains

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Artist unknown

Male sleipnir's are known as stallions, females are known as mares. A colt is a young male sleipnir and is not to be confused with foal, which is a horse of either sex less than one year of age. Similarly, a yearling is a horse of either sex between the ages of one and two. A young female sleipnir's is called a filly.

Large sturdy creatures that imitate the build of a horse. The only difference is that a sleipnir has eight legs and a horse has four. Four hind legs and four front legs. They have a coat of short hair or log depending on the breed and come in different colours or patterns like brown with white spots; there are many different types of breeds of sleipnir's which are exactly the same as horses. Sleipnir's have manes that can be styled if they are tame. They also have a tail which can either be long or short depending on the breed.

Sleipnir's usually only mate once and for life, but there is the odd occasion where they may mate twice.

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Sleipnir's do not hunt. If anything, they hunt down delicious fruit, grass and flowers. Wild sleipnir's do travel in herds with a main stallion and the rest following behind, which may look like they're hunting, but they're herbivores, so they don't hunt.

A sleipnir's temperament varies on its environment or the way it's being treated. The easiest way to know if a sleipnir's temperament will be good or bad from the start is the size of its eyes. Smaller eyes mean the sleipnir will be short tempered, but larger eyes means it'll be kind and patient.

Some sleipnir's may have some extra side effects, or better known as powers. This may mean that the sleipnir may have fire powers and can light itself on fire at will. This will enhance the attack and defence of the sleipnir but this is extremely rare fore a sleipnir to gain powers like this.

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Sleipnir's can have other powers too, like lightning or water or earth. These are known as elemental sleipnir's in which are only born every three thousand years, and they are excellent at hiding, making them extremely rare.

 These are known as elemental sleipnir's in which are only born every three thousand years, and they are excellent at hiding, making them extremely rare

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Artist unknown

There are other horse like demons that are cousins with the sleipnir, such as the unicorn, pegasus, kelpie and centaur to name a few. But they will be discussed in further chapters.


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