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Artist - sandara on DeviantArt

( yo-ne-korn )

Historical Context:
In European art and literature, the unicorn is described as a symbol of grace and purity. In the Renaissance and Middle Ages, it was commonly referred to as an extremely wild woodland creature, only to be captured by a virgin. In ancient Greek accounts, an equine form of the unicorn is mentioned by many writers, and is also described in the Bible under a different title, such as the re'em. Another interesting note is that unicorns are not in Greek mythology, but a figure of natural history; they were convinced that unicorns existed.

Height: ≈ 6 foot
Weight: ≈ 1,000 kg
Life-span: ≈ 50 - 1000 years
Attack: 70 // use of magic can cause great damage
Armour: 30 // soft skin makes an easy target
Defence: 60 // strong legs to run away
Stealth: 50 // depending on colour of coat, can camouflage
Diet: herbivore // berries, grass, leaves, fruits, vegetables
Habitat: typically forests or meadows, but can change

Height: ≈ 6 footWeight: ≈ 1,000 kgLife-span: ≈ 50 - 1000 yearsAttack:  70 // use of magic can cause great damageArmour: 30 // soft skin makes an easy targetDefence: 60 // strong legs to run awayStealth: 50 // depending on colour of coat, can camou...

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Artist - Even Amundsen

Within literature accounts, the sex of unicorns have been simple. As unicorns are wild and untamed, female unicorns are known as mares, and males are known as stallions; similar to the regular horse. The offspring of unicorns are known as foals.

Most unicorns are described to have the body of a horse with a horn on their forehead or between their ears and their coat white as snow. In these descriptions, the unicorns horn is the size of a female humans bicep, growing in a straight upward line. Within European literature, the horn is coloured white, black and red. Other research indicates that a horn can be up to three meters in length, and curved slightly backward. Other artists impressions of unicorns include a lengthened tail with a tuft of hair at the end, dissimilar to regular horse or sleipnir.
Recently, unicorns have also been depicted with different coloured coats, becoming very similar to horses and sleipnirs once more.
However, there are thousands of different descriptions of unicorns, all varying from each other. The one defining feature of the unicorn is the horn that is place on their forehead.

 The one defining feature of the unicorn is the horn that is place on their forehead

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Artist ~ Aubrey Benjaminsen

Unicorns mate for life. As symbols of purity and grace, this relates to their temperament. Typically, a mare will only have one foal throughout their life time, but it is possible for a mare to give birth to two foals, sometimes together or at separate stages. The mare and the stallion will stay together to guide the foal up to two or three years, then they leave the foal on its own to find its own mate and live its own life, but the original pair will stay together.

 The mare and the stallion will stay together to guide the foal up to two or three years, then they leave the foal on its own to find its own mate and live its own life, but the original pair will stay together

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Artist ~ Naia-Art on DeviantArt

Unicorns are not vicious or violent creatures by nature, according to literature. As herbivores, they don't have designated times tracking down food, as they rely on grass, berries and bark to satisfy their hunger. In most recorded encounters, unicorns are found travelling alone. But like their cousins, they feel safer travelling in herds. However, because these creatures are heavily hunted by all different kinds of beings, travelling in a herd becomes a luxury to these gracious creatures. Unicorns do not like to be alone, but they are forced to be.

Unicorns are peaceful creatures that love to graze, much like sheep and cows. They can also be playful, for they are known to be joyful creatures. These creatures might be gentle and full of happiness, and could make wonderful pets, but they are better left to their own devices.

Unicorns seldom differ other than their coats. The unicorns have similar cousins, but they are not classified as unicorns. However, on the odd occasion they do, their magic can be more specific than the general unicorn. An example may include having magic that relates to the dead, such as being able to help them pass to the after-life. This can always vary.

Artist - FleetingEmber on DeviantArt

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Artist - FleetingEmber on DeviantArt

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