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Artist- Jesse Lindsay


Historical Context:

Faeries have originated from Greek mythology (according to Google), and were first mentioned in Homer's stories known as the Iliad and Odyssey.

Height: ≈ 0.6 foot
Weight: ≈ 80 grams
Life span: ≈ sixty to one hundred years
Attack: ninety//hexes, spells, teeth and nails
Armour: thirty//have skin like humans, armour depends on whether or not they're wearing some
Defence: eighty-five// will use nails for quick defence, can also fly away
Stealth: one hundred//fly through the air with no sound, small feet create no sound on the ground
Diet: carnivore//bugs and dying/dead animals
Habitat: forests, woods, desert, rocky terrains//found wherever they can hide

6 footWeight: ≈ 80 gramsLife span: ≈ sixty to one hundred yearsAttack: ninety//hexes, spells, teeth and nailsArmour: thirty//have skin like humans, armour depends on whether or not they're wearing someDefence: eighty-five// will use nails for quic...

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Artist unknown

Faeries can be recognised for their sex as a normal human being can. They're known as males, females and children.

Faeries resemble the same embodiment of a human, but in addition, they have wings. Each faerie has two pairs of wings, two major then two minor. They have a slightly different pattern, like every thumb print on a human is different. The tips of a faeries are pointed, some may be slightly curled. Faeries usually dress in dark colours, ones that a normal person who resemble with evil colours. They barely cover their skin and will most likely be covered in scars or other markings.

Faeries do not care about mating too much, they live a long while. Usually a female will mate the first male they see and after three months of pregnancy, the female will lay an egg which will develop for another month in a nursery with other eggs. Faeries never know their parents, they hatch and learn to defend for themselves from birth. Little help is given by male faeries who feed the newborn and give them the inheritance of spells and hexes through spiritual bonding of the wings. Male faeries only purpose is to mate and make sure the children are strong enough to leave the nursery. Female faeries do all the hunting and are the only faeries you will ever see in the wild. It is extremely rare to find a male faerie.

 It is extremely rare to find a male faerie

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Artist unknown~signature illegible

Female faeries hunt and certain faeries bring food back to their nursery for the children and male faeries. They hunt for bugs in which the kill instantly either with their bare hands or hexes. Their noses have a great sense of smell, they can track down their prey within a fifty foot radius. Faeries also feast on dead creatures, large or small. If the creature is large, the faerie will call upon others and they'll feast together. The female faeries learn how to hunt and it is very rare that a male is taught how to hunt.

Faeries are basically the evil version of a fairy. Bad tempered, quick to respond negatively and always looking for trouble. Unlike fairies or pixies, a faerie will always be experiencing a negative emotion: jealousy, anger, depression. Whereas fairies and pixies can feel every emotion including the positive ones. Females are way more feisty than males, over protective of their own property too.

Faeries are pretty common, but are hard to find. There are little to no variations of a faerie. Some faeries may be born larger than others, showing dominance and better abilities for hunting and so on. You'd be lucky to even catch a glimpse of a male faerie. Faeries and fairies are two different things, pixies are different as well. It may seem impossible for so many different types, but there are. Faeries also differ too harpies and like wise creatures.

 Faeries also differ too harpies and like wise creatures

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Artist~ Amy Brown

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