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(gr-oo-t s-el-ang)

Historical Context:
The grootslang are first mentioned in South African mythology, said to dwell in caves and around large bodies of water. Furthermore, it is said that the gods made a mistake in creating the grootslang, and later tore the creature in two to make an elephant and a snake.

Height: ≈ N/A
Length: ≈ up to 50 feet
Weight: ≈ varies depending on size
Life-span: immortal, but can be killed
Attack: 90 // long fangs and tusks, strong hooves, constricting tail
Armour: 60 // tough skin, tusks
Defence: 70 // constricting tail, strong limbs, intelligence
Stealth: 40 // depending on size and location
Diet: carnivore // any meat they can find
Habitat: varies // can be found in both humid and dry climates, but mostly found near warm rivers and lakes

Height: ≈ N/ALength: ≈ up to 50 feetWeight: ≈ varies depending on sizeLife-span: immortal, but can be killedAttack: 90 // long fangs and tusks, strong hooves, constricting tailArmour: 60 // tough skin, tusksDefence: 70 // constricting tail, strong...

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Artist~ unknown. Uploaded to Pinterest by Ryan Manlaw

A male grootslang is referred to as a bull, a female grootslang is referred to as a cow, and their offspring are calf. There are no physical tells as to the sex of the grootslang, but length and size helps decipher the age.

The grootslangs are terrifying, powerful, cunning creatures. There are several depictions of them throughout history as well. Most note that they have the head of an elephant, inlcuding the tusks, trunk and ears, while donning the body of a snake. Grootslangs also have two strong legs, and several sets of teeth. Depending on the location in which you have stumbled across the grootslang, as each intellectual being has in the past, they adapt to their environment.

Very rarely has anyone come close enough to the grootslang in order to gain information on their mating rituals. When grootslangs are in captivity, though that is rare, there is always only one. From little knowledge, a cow can have up to six calves throughout her lifetime, but can only produce three at a time. The grootslangs lay eggs, which means the bull will be the only hunting for food and protecting the cow as the eggs incubate. It is unknown as to how long it takes for a grootslang egg to hatch.

 It is unknown as to how long it takes for a grootslang egg to hatch

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Artist~ Victor Maristane

More often than not, you will see a grootslang on its own while it hunts for its next meal, but that doesn't mean that it is alone. From studies, grootslang usually survey the grounds and lay their traps for prey, keeping their offspring hidden where they can, but close enough for them to watch and learn, or run at the first sign of danger. Sometimes there will be up to three adult grootslang hunting in the same area, but that is as far as they go to hunting in packs. It's unknown whether they come together afterwards and share what has been found.

Grootslangs are vicious creatures. Majority of the time, they react with violence to whatever comes their way. Rarely are they seen in a peaceful state; when they slumber, there seems to be an air of anger around them. This makes them great for 'guard dog' duties, and even better as beasts to fight in an arena for entertainment or punishment. From their hostile temperament, little other uses for them can be found among the humans. Grootslangs are meant to be left alone, and will definitely not make a good pet for anyone. They are wild creatures that bend to no man, and they deserve to stay in the wild.

As grootslang's continue to live and reproduce with elephants, the more and more their bodies change and adapt to become more like the elephant. From the thick skin of the elephant, to the tusks, to the trunk, to the head, to the legs and bulky body. These larger grootslangs are much more dangerous, and way more hostile that your average one. These make for great beasts to battle in gladiator stadiums, though.

 These make for great beasts to battle in gladiator stadiums, though

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Artist~ unknown, found on Pinterest

Artist~ unknown, found on Pinterest

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Artist~unknown, found on Pinterest

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