Will they cry when I die?
If yes, is it because of sadness or happiness
That's what comes my head when I feel like giving up
I feel like im just wasting the air that im breathing
I dont even know when did I start to feel like this
It just came to me how I just wanted to be gone
I tried to go on in life
Believing soon I'll be somewhat be okay
But its been years but im still here
With the thoughts of me being gone in this world
How cruel this could be
How coward do I still have to be
I wanted to be free from this thoughts
I wanted someone to somehow care
Its hard living in this façade
Smiling, laughing as if everything is fine
When deep down you wanted to shout and to cry
Why can't I voice out what I really feel
Then it dawn to me the realization of this
How can I voice them out when I know no one would care
So tell me, will you ever cry if I die?
Spoken Poetry
Poesía| English | A feelings turn into words A hidden words only few can understand