Chapter twenty-three

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♪Sakura's p.o.v♪

We were all sitting in Pein's office. Tenten and Hidan on the couch, Pein in his chair, Ino and Deidara standing in front of his desk, along with Hinata and Tobi. I was sitting on one of the arms of the couch next to Tenten. Pein waits until he has all eyes on him before he clears his throat.

"I have called you all here to inform you of a mission that we all will be completing together." He leans forward and rests his head on his folded hands. "We will be training a child in the land of tea." I had heard him mention this before, I guess he has finally decided to accept the mission.

I heard some groans and mumbling. I guess they don't like children very much. Since I already new about the mission, I blocked out the voices around me, instead I focused on my thoughts. I had so many things running through my brain, that I didn't even notice when everyone but Pain had left.

"What's troubling you?" I nearly jumped ten feet in the air when Pein's deep voice sliced the quite air.

"Pein." I began, looking into his beautiful ringed eyes. "What do you plan on doing now with the Akatsuki?" Since they have a peace treaty with the leaf, one of the conditions is to leave Naruto alone. So that kind of throws out the whole 'take over the world' thing.

Pein's calculating eyes watch me closely, he seems to be having an inner argument with himself. I was began to think that he wasn't going to say anything, but the man is always surprising me.

"We still have things to do before we get to our real goal." That really told me nothing, but I decided not to push it. I guess he doesn't trust me enough to tell me what's really going on.

I nod numbly, then go to stand up, but before I could get very far I felt Pein's warm hand wrap around my wrist, and pull me onto his lap. I look over at him, his ringed eyes stared back. He had one of his hands resting just a little above my knee.

To me it was a jester that said 'I like you a lot, but I respect you as well.' I guess he has had women experiences. He leans forward and brushes my lips.

"Pack what you need, the mission starts tomorrow morning at dawn. Meet at the front door." He ends it with a sweet kiss and slides me off of his lap, onto the couch and stands. Leaving me there, wanting more.

♥Tenten's p.o.v.♥

Hidan closed the door softly, surprisingly. The walk back to our small room was quite. We haven't said a word since the kiss. It keeps replaying in my mind, how gentle it started out, how my first kiss was with him. I bet he has kissed thousands of girls, probably bedded them as well. For some reason, that bothered me. And the fact that, that bothered me, made me angry. I can't believe it bothers me! I was too focused on my thoughts, that I didn't even realize we had stopped until I bumped into Hidan's hard back.

"Something on your mind?" Hidan asks as he opens the bedroom door for me. I step inside, followed by him and the door.

"No, how long is the mission again?" I ask, trying to change the topic. He gives me a look that tells me he knew what I was trying to do, but to my surprise, he goes along with it.

"A month. We leave tomorrow morning, it takes about six days to get there. Then we will be spending all of May there." Hidan sits down on his side of the bed and begins taking off his ninja shoes.

I started to walk past Hidan to go look out the window. I gasp a little when I feel a big strong hand wrap around my wrist. The hand pulled me until I was standing right in front of its owner, Hidan. He grabbed my other arm and started to pulled. I lost my footing and began falling on him as he leaned back. He captured my lips with his, and to my surprise he kept his hands at my waste.

I guess I'm falling for him in more ways than one.

♦Ino's p.o.v♦

I was in the kitchen cooking, since it was my turn to, while Deidara sat at the table, watching me.

"You don't have to baby sit me if that's what you're doing." I tell him. I new he must be bored of watching me trying to cook.

"I'm not baby sitting you. I just like being around you." Deidara smiles. I can't help but to do the same. No one had ever told me that they liked to be around me. I turned around and continued cooking with a smile on my face for the rest of the day.


Sorry its been awhile since I last updated, but here it is. Please comment and vote :-)

°Who's p.o.v would u like to see more of?

°What are some male Japanese names u all like?

C ya in the next chapter!


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