Chapter five

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Pein's p.o.v.

I just couldn't believe that she was really gone.

"Sakura!"I vaguely hear her friends calling out to her.

 We had found the kunoichi in files that were stolen from the village, although it was records that weren't up to date, we each had found ourselves attracted to a certain woman. Tobi, or rather Madara, had said he only wanted someone who he could control, but I don't think that was entirely true.

I seen Deidara holding Ino back, and her yelling at him to let her go so she could kick some ass. Tobi had an arm around Hinata's waste, with her asking for him to please let her go, as she tried to make her way over to the guy who killed MY wife. Tenten and Hidan were yelling at each other. Shocker.

"Now that she's out of the way, I can get what I came for. Where is Naruto Uzamaki?" I was ready to kill him, he took my wife from me my Sakura.

"What do you want with Naruto!?" Lady Tsunade spoke, I could see the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes. She was clinching her fist.

I tried to step forward and put an end to the scum in front of me, but as I took a step, the wind blows. Pink cherry blossoms swirl around me and for some reason, it stop's me.

"To challenge him of course. Just think of what kind of name I'll have. I, Eito of the sound, defeated the leafs blossom and the nine tails brat!" Eito started laughing. I personally didn't think it was funny.

I stuck my hand out, ready to blow him away, but the cherry blossom petals came back and swirled around my arm. Again I stopped. For some reason I had a feeling it was Sakura.

Sakura's p.o.v.

When I did my water wall, behind it, I did more hand signs. Say the right hand signs for the substation jutsu. I hid behind the massive tall and fat trees as I "died". I noticed that when I did "die" Pein was ready to kill him. I was flattered to say the least, however I can't let him kill Eito, as I later found out was his name, not yet anyways. I make some cherry blossoms go his way, hoping that he'll get the hint.

Once I figured out what Eito was after I jumped out from my hiding place.

"To challenge him of course. Just think of what kind of name I'll have. I, Eito of the sound, defeated the leafs blossom and the nine tails brat!" Eito started laughing like a mad man, which he probably is.

"You know it's hard for dead people to fight, let alone win." I say boldly. He quickly turns around, looking at me, eyes big and round, mouth slightly open, and little beads of sweat were forming on his forehead. "Now that I know what you're after, I don't have to hold back anymore." I run at him, kunai in hand.

"It doesn't matter, I can just have the pleasure of killing you again!" He yells as he runs at me with his kunai.

Our kunai's clash, I see his devilish smile as he uses his lightning chakra causing his kunai to start cutting into mine.

"Water is weaker than lightning!"He laughs. Does he really think that I only have one chakra nature? How foolish. I applied my own lightning chakra to my kunai.

"That cant be!" Eito yells in disbelief.

"You should have done better research." I say as the kunai breaks and I kick him back, sending him flying up in the air. When I kicked him, I turned my chakra into electricity, ultimately damaging his nervous system and temporarily making him unable to move.

He fell to the earth with a hard thud, leaving a small crater in his place. Eito was barely keeping his eyes open. Lady Tsunade cleared her throat as she had a proud look in her lovely hazel eyes.

"I'll have Ibiki interrogate him, you all have a safe journey, and I'll keep you updated about this little problem when I find out something concrete."

Leaving the leaf was the hardest thing that I have had to do in a very long time. As soon as we left Ino started to have one of her "talks" with me.

"You almost gave me a heart attack! I thought that you were really dead! Don't you ever do that again!" I started to block her out after a while. She would keep going on and on for hours. I looked around to make sure that everyone was alright.

Tenten and Hidan were arguing, again. Hinata and Tobi were in front of them talking about something, Ino and Deidara were behind Pein and I, Ino fussing at me still, and Deidara just walking beside her. What odd matches we all are.

"Are you even listening to me? Hey!" Ino's loud voice pulls me back to reality.

"Huh?" I say rather dumbly. Ino stops walking and puts her hands on her hips in a sassy way.

"Have you heard a single word that has came out of my mouth?" Ino demands, but thankfully I don't have to answer.

"We're here." Pein saves me. Ino and I turn to look at are new living arrangements. I wanted to say that it was amazing, spectacular, wonderful and brilliant, but I couldn't.

It was a cave. With a giant boulder as the front door. It was very similar to the one that they had where I fought Sasori. Sadly he had ran away though, so we didn't get to finish are little battle.

Pein did some hand signs and the giant bolder moved upward. I could see small clumps of dirt and other small rocks falling from the top of the, hmm, home....

"Welcome to your new home!" Tobi squealed as he ran inside, disappearing into the dark.

"H-home?" Hinata stuttered, I felt the same way she did. I could never call this place home, more like prison. We slowly followed Tobi.

"Tobi's home! Where is everyone?" Sometimes I think Tobi just acts stupid. I mean, no one can be that stupids naturally, can they?

After we walked into the cave,the bolder rumbled back down,taking the light with it.It was quite for a while. No one spoke, not a sound was heard, complete silence. It was an unsettling silence. It's usually not very good when in a room full of people and it's dark and quite. I was kind of worried to say the least. What if they planed on killing us when our guard was down? No. I wouldn't let that happen. I forced all of my focus on my seances, on the others, and on objects that are in the room. No one is moving. We're all just standing in the dark.

I hear footsteps of two, no, three people coming our way. One is caring a light. I see a woman with striking blue hair, I think her name is Konon. I see red eyes before anything else. Itachi. He is caring the lantern. The next person that I seen was someone that I dreaded to see, however somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that we would meet again. Sasori.

I hope this was a good chapter, please comment and vote.


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