Chapter thirty- five

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Sakura's p.o.v

Once I realized what I had said my teeth immediately bit the inside of my lip. How could I have said that? Is it even true? What the hell was I thinking? I can't believe I was so careless!  Outside of my head, everything was quite. I gulped. Pein had his emotionless mask back on, but I could see it in his eyes. I had surprised him. Before I could try and take what I said back, Pein's head shot to the side. He got up and walked over to the window. At first I thought this was the ultimate rejection. That I had completely destroyed what relationship we had built. I half expected him to send me back to the village and say that the deal was off. I thought I had failed, not only my mission, but myself as well. 

"Stay inside, Sakura." The man who had single handedly shot my nerves all to Hell ordered. Said man then jumped out of the window and ran off into the night. Had I really freaked him out so much that he fled? No. Pein would never do that. If for nothing else, then his pride wouldn't let him. 

Getting up from the comfy bed, I walk over to the window that the Akatsuki leader had been looking out of. It was difficult to see in the dark, but I was able to make out three figures fighting, then another one, which I could easily tell was Pein, joined the battle. I scolded myself for not picking up on the foreign chakra signature. I must be slipping. Paying close attention to the other two signatures, I deduced that they were Hidan's and Tenten's.  

I wanted to join them in their battle, but Pein's words echoed in my mind. It's not like I have to do what he says; however, it didn't look like they needed any help. Pein and Hidan were doing all of the fighting. Hidan must have told Tenten to stay back, though I've never known Tenten to back away from a fight. 

As if on cue Tenten attacked the enemy head on. She was able to get in a few blows but the stranger sent her flying back. From what I could tell it was a bone crushing kick. My medic side quickly kicked in and off I went. Hidan had caught Tenten in mid air and was now holding her as Pein fought the man. My brunette friend was holding her arm tightly, her beautiful face twisted in pain.  

"Is she ok?" Hidan asks me. Examining her arm further I find out the extent of the damage. 

"A bone in her right arm has been cracked." I state my findings.

"But you can fix that, right?" Hidan says eagerly. I only nod as I begin to get to work. Tenten's grip around her arm only tightens. The purple eyes that belong to Hidan turn darker. He was out for blood, and he wouldn't show any mercy.    

Ino's p.o.v

It wasn't long after Deidara had finished in the bathroom that we heard the distinctive sounds of fighting going on. Quickly we both made our way outside to where all of the commotion was going on. Tobi and Hinata soon followed.  

"It took him longer than I thought it would,un." Deidara says as he puts his hands into his clay pouch. 

"Oooo are we going to join the fight too!?" Tobi seemed excited at the possibility.   

 "What's going on?" Hinata asks, her byakugan was already activated.   

"Just a little disagreement, but don't worry it will be over soon!" Tobi answered, but what kind of disagreement would lead to a lone man attacking the Akatsuki?

In the blink of an eye both Deidara and Tobi had disappeared. I could see them closing in on the man that had disturbed our evening. He was fast and very skillful. The Akatsuki are an elite group of ninja's, yet this stranger was able to evade them and made it look easy. I saw Sakura and Tenten join in on the fight. It didn't take long for my feet to start moving.

"Lets go, Hinata!" I called to my friend, and in a matter of seconds we all had the stranger surrounded.   

Tenten was ready to attack, anyone could tell by the look on her face. She was pissed. She was swinging her kusarigama, but before she could attack Hidan, in a flat voice that was out of his character, told her to not to. The brunette seemed surprised. Even the other Akatsuki seemed to raise an eyebrow. Hidan seemed calm, which I have never seen before. Granted that I don't know him very well, but from the way Tenten had talked about him, he is a loud mouth and wears his emotions on his sleeve. Though the only emotions that I have ever witnessed from the silver haired man is aggression, flirtatiousness, and murderous. At this moment Hidan appeared calm, but his eyes held a storm. 

Tenten's p.o.v.

Pein and Hidan had been able to fight the mysterious man head on without getting hurt. I'll admit that it had hurt my pride when Sakura had to heal me up. I know that the Akatsuki members are ridiculously strong, but to think that I am so far behind them in terms of skill really grinds my bones.

When I was ready to fight again, thanks to my pink haired friend, I hoped that I would be able to redeem myself from the earlier embarrassment.  I summoned my favorite weapon, the kusarigama.

  I summoned my favorite weapon, the kusarigama

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The bastard was surrounded. He had no where to go. I readied my attack. This time I wont fail. 

"Stay back, Tenten." I faltered at Hidans words. I was about to argue with him, or tell him to kiss it as I attacked anyways. However, the look in his unusually dark eyes made any remark that I had die before it left my mouth. Hidan had a blank face. No sign of emotion anywhere to be seen. His eyes though. They were dark and cold. His body language was stiff and refined. I've never seen him like this. 

He was sinister.

Wow it has been so long since I have updated this story! To be honest I've just kind of lost interest in writing. Like I'll still write certain idea's down for a story, or I'll make up a character that I think would be really cool for a story. But as far as actually finishing anything, I'm not good at that. Obviously... But I hope that any of you who have been waiting a REALLY long time for an update likes the chapter! ❤❤❤❤

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