Chapter twenty-four

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♠Hinata's p.o.v♠

I watched as he hummed to himself as he packs. He is in his goofy mood, as I like to call it. Until he tells me what's really going on with him, he will have a goofy side to him, and a serious side.

I had finished packing my stuff a little while ago, but Tobi seems to be packing everything but the bathroom sink. I have my suitcase ready to go next to the door, but he has three so far, and he's not even done yet.

"Tobi, don't you think you might be packing a little to much?" I ask gently. I didn't want to anger him. He stops rambling through the closet and pauses. I wait, for him to move or say something.

After what felt like an hour, he slowly turns to face me. A fishnet shirt in his hand, he speaks in his deep serious voice.

"Hinata, I have a question for you."

"What is it?" I didn't fail to notice that his mood not only changed, but the subject as well.

"I'm interested in knowing what you are thinking." He sits down on one side of the bed, and jesters for me to as well. I do.

"What do you mean?" His lone eye hole is dark , but I can see some red in there. I avoid looking there, instead I look at his orange mask.

"I mean, what do you think of me?" His question surprised me. I never would have thought he'd ask me something like that.

"Well, I think, that you," I don't know what I think of him, I play with my fingers." are a mystery."

For a while it was quite. Neither one of us moves, except for my fingers. He just watches me, as if in deep thought, I wonder what he is thinking?

♣Tobi's p.o.v♣

She thinks I'm a mystery. How delightful. I give a smirk behind my mask. She is a delightful pet. Her hair falls freely around her face and down her back. I've noticed that she plays with her fingers, when she is nervous. Just like now.

"Is that all?" My deep voice makes her jump a little when I spoke. An evil smile works its way onto my lips.

"I-I think that you a-are hiding something." She stutters. I know that she must be trying to put the puzzle pieces together, it's just instinct to do so.

"What have you come up with so far?" She keeps her eyes on her fingers as she speaks.

"Well, I think you're an Uchiha, and you are hiding your identity from almost everyone." She finally looks up at me. Her bangs are almost in her eyes, I guess she hasn't had time to cut them.

"Interesting." She is smart, however she in not quite there yet, but she's on the right track.

♪Sakura's p.o.v♪

I was locking my suitcase shut when I heard the door open, foot steps, and then the door closed. I knew it was Pein, I could feel his chakra signature. I locked the last lock, I was about to sit it on the floor, when I felt two strong arms wrap around me. I soon seen orange spiky hair on my shoulder.

Peinand I had really became closer. As odd as it is. I liked his company, he was quite, but he wasn't awkward, maybe a little intimidating at times, but over all not bad, and not what I had expected at all.

"Sakura?" Pein whispers next to my ear.

"Huh?" I replied.

"What do you think about the Akatsuki?" He had moved to where he was sitting on the bed, and I was sitting on top of him. Why in the world was he asking me this?

"I don't know." And I honestly didn't. I don't know much about the Akatsuki, nor about its members.

"You must have some sort of opinion?" I do, but I don't think he will like it.

"From what I can tell, many of you are power hungry. I don't agree with you all trying to take over the world, nor do I agree with you taking the tailed beasts. However now that you have a peace treaty with the leaf, that kind of cuts out your tailed beast hunt. So, what are your plans now?"I answered his question as best as I could while including a question of my own.

"Time will tell, Sakura." Pein reviles. I get a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach every time he refuses to answer what the Akatsuki's plans are. Are they still up to their old tricks,or is there another plan, that's even worse than the first? However, for now, like always, there is nothing that I can do.


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