Chapter nine

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Has anyone else noticed that Sakura and Tenten wear the same colors, and Ino and Hinata wear the same colors?

Sakura's p.o.v.

The Akatsuki members have went off to go do their Akatsuki things, while Ino, Tenten, Hinata and I sit around the fireplace. For it to be an evil organizations hideout, it was quite cozy. We were snuggled up in warm fuzzy blankets that we had brought with us. Mine was a nice blood red color as was Tenten's. Ino and Hinata have lavender blankets.

Ino hasn't spoken in a while, she's been looking into the fire then the door/bolder, then when it wouldn't open she would sigh. She's been doing that for the past 10 minutes.

"What's wrong with her?" Tenten whispered into my ear. I cracked a smile.

"She's in love." I couldn't believe that it had happened so soon, I knew that eventually we all probably would fall in love with the man that we married, or at least get use to them, but I didn't think it would happen so soon.

Usually, not always, but most of the time when a couple is forced to marry, even if they aren't in love at first, they fall in love later on, or at least they grow to like the other person.

Ino seems to already like Deidara, she just doesn't want to admit it, not even to herself. I've realized that I kind of miss Pein at the moment. He may not talk much, but when he does, he's a really fun person to talk to, and I must say his piercings make me weak in the knees. I didn't use to like so many piercings, but now, I find it very attractive.

Tenten can barely stand to be in the same room as Hidan, I'm surprised she hasn't killed him yet. Hinata seems to almost be frightened of Tobi, I guess I can't really blame her, it is a little scary knowing that you married a man who has the brain of a four year old and acts like a child, but is strong enough to be in Akatsuki.

"I'm going to take a shower." Tenten informs us as she quietly makes her way out of the room. It was quite once again. The only sound was the fire cracking and popping, and Ino sighing every so often.

"It's my night to make dinner, so I guess I should get started." Hinata left as well. Now it was just me and my best friend/rival. She glanced at the door again, and waited.

"You like him, don't you." I state more than asked. It seemed to take Ino a while to realize that we were the only ones left In the room.

"Who? Deidara? Don't be stupid forehead." It was funny to watch her squirm.

"Whatever you say. I'm going to go find Pein," I say as I stand up, taking the blanket with me." have fun watching the door." And on that note I left her.

Ino's p.o.v.

She must be kidding. Me liking an Akatsuki, she must have hit her head. Or maybe I've hit mine. It was starting to get late, maybe something happened to him, or since it's raining he had to stop for the night. Yeah that's what happened.

Just as I was trying to convince myself that, that's what happened, the bolder started to move upwards. I jumped up off of the sofa, abandoning my blanket. In walked a soaked Deidara. He had a scratch on his cheek, but overall he looked okay.

Without thinking I ran up to him and hugged him. He seemed stunned at first, but then he slowly hugged me back. I could already smell the smirk he had on his face.

"And here I was thinking you didn't like me, un." His voice rang in my ears. I finally snapped out of it and pushed him away, folding my arms over my chest.

"I don't like you." I said with finality. Apparently something I said was funny, because he started laughing.

"Tsk, I was going to heal your cut, but now I've changed my mind." I flopped down on the couch, still sulking.

"Your a medic?" Deidara sat down next to me." I thought Sakura was the only medic out of you all?" I glared at the fireplace. It's always Sakura, never me. Lady Tsunade thinks she's so great and that she's going to surpass her one day. Well she didn't even give me a chance!

"No, she has just been doing it longer." I'm happy that Sakura has found something she's good at, but why do I always feel like I'm trying to catch up to her. I use to think that I was so far ahead of her, but now I realize I've been chasing after her for a while. Since the day that she was put on a team with Sasuke. I knew she was smart in class, but I thought that looks where more important back then.

" I see," Deidara starts," your jealous of her."

"I am not!" I reply to quickly. He just smiles.

"Well maybe if you stop trying to be like her, you will find out that you can be an amazing ninja, one that's different from her." He went to get up, his words had made me stop and think. It does make since, but I'd never noticed that I was trying to be like her.

"Deidara." I barely whispered, but he still heard me. I walked over to where he had stopped. I put my hand near his cheek, my hand glowed a soft green as I healed his cut. When I was done I kissed his cheek. He seemed shocked to say the least.

"Thank you."

Sakura's p.o.v.

I wasn't really sure where Pein was. He seemed to just have disappeared into thin air. I seen Konan walking down the hall, about ready to go into her room.

"Hey Konan, do you know where Pein is?" She stopped and when she looked at me she had the biggest smile on her face.

"Missing your hubby already?" She teased.

"Wha- no, I-I was just bored that's all." I felt my face heating up at her comment.

"He's this way." Konan laughed as she closed the door to her room, and began walking farther into the hideout.


Another update done, I hope it was good. Sorry for any mistakes, please comment and vote :-)

- lovediamonds1234

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