Chapter thirty- three

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Hinata's p.o.v

It was Tobi and I's turn to watch Ikuto. He was bouncing his ball against a tree while laying down. On Ikuto's wish, we stood several feet away from him, giving him his space. He was such a lonely child, in a way he reminded me of Naruto. He was alone and he hurts on the inside.

An idea had popped into my head, and before I could talk myself out of it, I walked over to Ikuto. He didn't look at me, or even acknowledge my existence.

"I'm sorry to bother you Ikuto, but I was wondering if maybe you would like to go into town with me?" The little boy looked over at me, but still played with his bouncy ball.

"Why would I want to do that?" Ikuto turns away from me, facing the tree once again.

"I just thought I would ask if you'd want to hang out together." I smiled a little at him. He looked back at me. His face blank. After some time he replied back.

"I suppose that I could go to town with you, only because I am bored and have nothing better to do." I smile at him as he gets up. At least I can feel like I accomplished something today.

Tenten's p.o.v.

It's late, dark out even, some would say that it is bedtime. I haven't left this room, Hidan left some lunch outside the door. I haven't seen him since this morning. He hasn't tried to talk or see me. I wonder what he has done today? I hear the floor creak and pop as someone walks down the hallway. I sense his chakra immediately. Hidan. It's time for me to face him. He knocks softly on the door.

"Tenten, I'm coming in." He tells me, I sit up straight, I was ready for this, I had the whole day to think about what I would say and do.

As soon as I seen his face, I blushed madly and dove under the pillows and blankets, hoping that he will just go away. But he didn't. I heard him let out  tired sigh.

"Tenten, I've been pretty fuckin patient with you all day, but I have my limits too." I hear him close the door, his foot steps get closer and closer. The bed dips down some; I feel the pressure of another body on top of me. Hidan moves the pillow some, however my hand shoots out and pushes the pillow closer to me.

"Why are you hiding your face?" Hidan demands. This is getting silly, I know, but I just can't bring myself to look at him.

"Because." I say threw the pillow, Hidan muttered something about, "That's always a woman's answer." and got off of me. He exits to the bathroom and soon, with my expert ninja hearing, I hear running water. Quietly I exit the room as well and go outside. It's a beautiful night, the stars are out the moon is full and the air is warm. Following the breeze I end up climbing a tree a little ways from the house. From here I can see everything, but the thing that catches my eye is a cross on a hill that the moon shines down on. 

"So this is where you went." I jump slightly when Hidan speaks. I look over at him, his silver hair has droplets of water, indicating that he has just got out of the shower. He has his usual attire on. He is leaning up against the main part of the tree with his arms folded across one another, looking down at me with his purple eyes and charming smirk. I feel my face start to heat up, I go to cover it up with my hands, but Hidan is quick to move. He holds my wrists with his hands and looks me dead in the eyes.

"You've run out of places to hide."

Sakura's p.o.v

I had recently received a letter from Lady Tsunade via mini Katsuyu. Pein was currently outside somewhere doing who knows what.

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