Chapter thirty - one

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♦Ino's p.o.v.♦

Ikuto, Deidara, and I were outside in Lord Ryuu's private garden. It was beautiful and well kept. Ikuto hasn't said a word since this morning. I wasn't really worried about it, if I was in his situation I would probably be silent as well, unless I was yelling at someone that is. I wasn't really sure what I was suppose to do. All me and Deidara are doing is following Ikuto around.

"What exactly are we suppose to be doing?" I whispered to Deidara.

"Mainly just watching him. Lord Ryuu thinks that if Ikuto has more people paying attention to him, then he will calm down and behave."

I look over to Ikuto. He was kicking some rocks with his hands in his pockets. Can his father not see that all he wants is his attention? It's obvious that all this child wants, is his fathers attention. I want to help him has much as I possibly can, only I don't know how.

Ikuto kicked the rock he was playing with at a tree. He seemed to be fairly interested in kicking rocks at that tree, so Deidara and I let him be. I noticed Ikuto seemed slightly relaxed. What a strange stress reliever. His hands were still in his pockets, his back to us.

I began to wonder where his friends where. I mean, every kid has friends, right? I didn't realize I was staring at Ikuto, but he did. He didn't take his eyes off of the spot on the tree where the rocks hit, when he spoke in a somewhat angry voice.

"Why are you staring at me!"

"I'm sorry, Ikuto. I just spaced out." I explain to him in a calm voice. He turned to look at me, his eyes angry and full of hatred. So much hate for just a small boy. But what surprised me the most, was that look of hate and anger, wasn't for me.

He directed it at me, but I could tell, he was saving that look for someone else. What could someone have done to possibly deserve that look? Ikuto stomps off away from Deidara and me .

The rest of the day was quite Ikuto stayed at least four feet away from us the whole time. Deidara didn't seem to care, he mostly played with his clay. I, on the other hand spent my day observing Ikuto. I discovered he had pretty good aim when he kept hitting the tree with rocks. He was fairly intelligent, Deidara found this out when Ikuto threw a rock in a pond and the water splashed on Deidara, it was hard to hide my laughter.

"I'm hungry," Ikuto turns to look at me. "you." He points his index finger at me. "Go get me food." My right eyebrow twitched a little, a sign that I was getting angry. Why should a half pint kid be bossing me around?

♪Sakura's p.o.v♪

When Ino came back she was ballistic. Apparently Ikuto is a hand full, just as his father had said. I haven't seen much of Lord Ryuu today, he seems to always be in his office or in his room.

I finished changing into my white night gown. Pein was in the bathroom, I had just heard the water cut off. Tomorrow is the day that Pein and me will be watching Ikuto, I must admit that I am a little nervous. From what I can tell, Ikuto's not exactly a sweet little kid. And if he's anything like Ino described then I'm sure I will end up killing him, if not then Pein will.

"You look deep in thought." I nearly jumped ten feet in the air when I heard Pein's deep and unfathomable voice next to me. I didn't even notice him slip into the bedroom.

"I'm just thinking about tomorrow." I respond. Pein let's out a tired sigh as he relaxes into the bed. I can't help but to steal glances at him from time to time, and this just so happens to be one of those times

His strange but lovely eyes are closed, his breathing even, and his face is relaxed. It's rare to see any emotion on Pein's face. I turn the lamp off, which is the only light on, and let the darkness flood through the room. It's a cloudy night, so the moons light doesn't make an appearance.

I slide down from my sitting position, and lay next to Pein. I take a gamble and lay my head on his chest, along with my right hand. Pein is an unpredictable man, however I didn't think that he would reject me, but as time slowly went by, I began to think that he fell asleep.

A smile crept onto my lips when I felt his arm wrap around my waist. If someone had told me three years ago that I would be cuddling with the leader of Akatsuki, I would have laughed in their face. But if I said I didn't enjoy this moment right now, then I'd be lying.

♥Tenten's p.o.v.♥
It's dark, and I'm tired. I've been out here most of the day, training. I haven't seen Hidan much today, in fact I haven't seen much of anyone today. Gathering my weapons I slowly make my way to the large house. A few guards are up and wondering about.

When I finally reach the room that Hidan and I are sharing, I flop down on the bed not even bothering to close the door behind me. I didn't since Hidan in the room, but it's not like I was looking for him. I closed my brown doe eyes and wait to drift off into a peaceful sleep.

"Why the hell did you leave the door open?" So much for my peaceful sleep. I sat up on the bed and rubbed, my eyes tiredly. Hidan was standing in the doorway staring at me with a questioning gaze.

"Well if you're so worried about it, then you close it." I snap. The last thing I want is to be criticized on is my door closing skills.

"Kitty got claws, some damn sharp ones." Hidan chuckles a little to himself as he closes the door behind him." Tell you what, you take a cat nap, and when you wake up again, I'm going to fucking jump you." He locks the door.

"Excuse me?" My eyebrows shot up. Suddenly I'm not tired anymore.

"Or you can skip the nap, you pick." I know Hidan is a pervert, but I don't think that I've ever seen this side of him. I feel hot, did someone turn the heat on in here?

Hidan walks closer to me, ditching his cloak along the way. He craws onto the bed and smirks at me.

"You don't look tired anymore."
Before someone says it, I know its been forever and a day since I last updated, and I'm sorry. But I've been busy with homework and sleeping, but here is a new chapter, please comment and vote!

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