Chapter thirty- four

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Hinata's p.o.v.

I sat in bed trying to read a book while Tobi polished his weapons beside me. We had just returned from town with Ikuto. My mind kept wondering back to the little boy. The hate that's always in his eyes, he's such an angry child and I can't understand why? He has everything that he could ever need or want. Like me, he has a wealthy upbringing, servants to do his choirs, he will never need to worry where his next meal will come from.

As a child, and even now, I had it all. The only things that I lacked in having was my mother and the approval of my father. Perhaps this is how Ikuto feels. Lord Ryuu does seem to be very busy, and doesn't have much time for his son. In fact the whole time that we've stayed here I've only seen him a handful of times.

"You haven't turned the page for the past 10 minutes. What's on your mind?" Tobi's deep voice startles me out of my thoughts. I've been so busy with Ikuto that I haven't had much time to try and figure out who I really married. Not like I can find much out anyways. I only know that he is of Uchiha blood. It's not like I could ask the Akatsuki, I already know more about Tobi than they do. Though, if anyone knew something it would probably be Pein, or maybe even Deidara and Sasori since they are his partners.

"Ikuto." I answer quietly. I close the book that I couldn't concentrate on and placed it on the night table. 

"What about him?" Tobi inquires. He held up the kuni that he had been polishing, making sure that he hadn't missed a spot.

"He's so angry all of the time." I folded my hands in my lap, and kept my eyes down. I've been more cautious about Tobi's sharingan.

"I suppose so. Considering the circumstances, I could understand why that is."  Tobi replied putting his weapons away and crawling into bed.

"What circumstances are you talking about?" I asked. After a moment of silence Tobi answered.

"His mother is dead and his father ignores him." Tobi reached over me to turn the only light off. My breathing paused for a moment, not expecting the close proximity.

"B-but that's not what you were talking about, was it?" I ask breathlessly. The moment of silence after my question only confirmed what I thought. He was talking about something else, but what? 

"No, it wasn't. Lord Ryuu is not how he appears to be." Tobi gave me more information than I thought he would. I'm actually surprised that he even answered at all. Feeling slightly confident, I asked more questions.

"What do you mean by that? Is Lord Ryuu hiding something?" More questions swirled in my mind, like how did Tobi know so much? Then one thing lead to another and I began to question everything. Like why were we really here? The Akatsuki babysitting doesn't really seem believable. Is there another purpose for them being here? Why did they bring us if they wanted to keep things from us? What is really going on? I heard Tobi let out a sigh.

"You think to much Hinata." Tobi put his left index finger under my chin and makes me look up at him. Some light from the crescent moon shown through the thin curtains , giving off just enough light for me to see Tobi's lone eye staring back at me, and his swirly orange mask close to my face. He looks at me closely, as if he's trying to bore into my mind.

"What I wouldn't give to know what goes on in your head." He said distantly yet calculating at the same time.

"You're one to talk." I don't know where my boldness came from in such a moment, but it was to late to take it back. For a moment Tobi was quite, then he began to chuckle to himself.

"I suppose I haven't been very fair with you, huh?" Tobi seemed amused, and to my shock he slide his mask to the left side of his face, showing his handsome face to me for the second time.

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