Chapter two

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Sakura's p.o.v

I slowly walked out of the hokage tower.I blinked a few times,waiting for my eyes to get use to the harsh sunlight. On the ground I seen a red carpet, following it with my eyes I seen a tall man with spiky orange hair ,and pale skin that was covered in piercings. He had on a black cloak with blood red clouds. I new it was an Akatsuki cloak. I also new that the man in it was the leader of the organization, Pein.

In all honesty, Pein wasn't that bad on the eyes. I of course would never admit it out loud,but I also couldn't help but wonder to my self what was under that cloak of his.

When soft music started to play, I took that as my cue to start walking down the carpet to my future husband. I felt the butterfly's in my stomach, I bite the inside of my lip as I walked down the carpet  to the man that I would have to spend the rest of my life with.

The Akatsuki came to the village about a week ago. It was a rainy day in the leaf village,puddles littered the ground,and the sky was gray. I was in lady Tusnades office, helping her with paper work. It was getting to be around 8:30pm when we heard fighting going on outside. Soon after an anbu came in and told us that the Akatsuki were here, but they weren't killing anyone, just defending their self's.

To make a long story short, Pein asked to speak with malady, said that they would leave the village alone, and the tailed beasts along with their hosts, if they could have something that the village loves the most, and is powerful in its own way.

At first Tsunade didn't know what they where talking about. It was only after Pein glanced and me did Tsunade and I understand what they wanted.

The kunoichi of the leaf village. Tsunade was beyond angry, but after talking it out with the elders she had no choice. To say that everyone was pissed was an understatement, but with some time we all learned that it was best for the village.

When I snapped out of my thoughts, I was standing in front of Pein, my hands in his as the priest was giving his speech. Peins eyes were on me, I tried to hide my light blush that rose to my cheeks.

Its not like I like him,so why does his gaze have an effect on me?!?!? I remand calm as I looked off into the distance. It was a lovely sight. The way the sun was shining down on the trees and buildings.


"Huh?" I look at the priest who said my name, pulling me out of my day dreaming.

"Do you take Pein of the Akatsuki, to be your husband?" The priest asked me.

I take a deep breath before answering a question that will change my life and the lives of others around me.

"I do." I say with out any emotion in my voice. The priest does a sad smile as he says,

"You may now kiss the bride." The kiss had completely slipped my mind. I was calm on the outside, at least I tried to be, but on the inside I was freaking out.

I didn't have much time to though, Pein pulled me close and gave me the best kiss I had ever had in my life.

It was slow, soft and sweet. When he pulled back I was left in a daze. I did my best to get a hold of my self, but from the slight smirk that was on Peins face, I new that he could tell what his kiss had done to me.

My cheeks felt warm as I looked away. We held hands as we walked down the isle, and sat down in a row with open seats. I didn't look at him for the rest of the weddings.

Tenten's p.o.v

Whenever the priest had said for them to kiss, I seen the slight panic in Sakuras eyes, she probably forgot all about it. I watched as Pein leaned in and pulled Sakura to him and kissed her. As badly as I hate to admit it, it was kind of sweet looking. When they pulled apart from each other, Sakura looked like she was in a daze. Well at least he kisses good.

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