Chapter twenty-eight

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♦Ino's p.o.v.♦

I can't believe this. I am so stupid. How could I have been this stupid?! I'm such a blond. I can't believe my luck lately.

I am pacing back and forth is the bathroom that is a little ways down from Deidara and I's bedroom. I just got finished taking a shower and drying off when I forgot something very important.

My clothes. They are still on the bed, at least that's where I had last put them. What was I suppose to do now? Prance around in a fluffy white towel that stops just under my behind. My hair is longer than the towel. What am I suppose to do?

I guess I could put on the clothes I had wore this morning, but they are so nasty. I had been wearing them for three days. Dust, sweat, and everything else are caked onto the fabric. I can't believe Lord Ryuu even let us in his home with how dirty we all were.

I put my hand on the silver door handle, I wonder if this is real silver? Probably is. I take a deep breath, and give myself a last minute pep talk.

I can do this, the towel covers everything of importance, barely, all I have to do is walk fast and no one will notice. Hopefully no one will see me, I mean I am a ninja after all.

I exhale, and quietly open the door. The hallways are well lit, lucky me. No one is around. I can since the others near by, in their rooms. Hopefully they will stay there. I exit the bathroom, closing the door behind me. Tip toeing to my room, almost there just a little bit farther.

A hear a squeak. My heart stops as do I. I look around and see nobody. I look down, it must have been me. I lift my left leg up and move it, then my right. Another squeak. It was only me, I'm safe, everything is ok. I scurry the rest of the way to my room.

I opened the door and quickly step in, closing it behind me. I close my eyes, and let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"I love your outfit Ino, are you going to sleep in it as well, un?" My eyes snap open when I hear Deidara's voice.

Oh Hell, I forgot about him. I instantly became as red as a tomato, this is not my day, at all!

♥Tenten's p.o.v.♥

"And what makes you think tonight is going to be any different?" I ask, almost laughing at the thought. There is no way I would sleep with someone like him, ever, like never.

He's loud, annoying, rude, crazy, and is a pervert! Completely not my type. However, I must say that he is good looking, and knows how to- no! Get a grip Tenten.

"Well, you haven't tried to fucking take my head off yet, so I'd say I'm making progress. I just wonder how far you'll let me go..." Hidan starts to lower one of his hands, it gets to the hem on my pants before I stop it.

"Not that far."

♪Sakura's p.o.v.♪

To my disappointment, yet I was thankful, Pein only striped down to his pants, before climbing into bed. The amount of piercings that he has always surprises me.

We were cuddled up together. Just laying in bed, enjoying each others company.

"Why do you have so many piercings?" I break the silence that had settled between us. It's quite for a moment before he decides to answer.

"Each piercing represents a person that I have cared for, and have lost."

I looked at all of his piercings, the ones that I could see anyway. He has lost so many loved ones. I feel my eyes start to water. Pein pulls me closer.

"Don't cry Sakura, enough tears have been shed."

♠Hinata's p.o.v.♠

Tobi chuckled, but he stayed where he was, as did I. All I have to do is turn my head, and I will see the real Tobi. I gulped, my face is burning, I feel like I may faint at any moment. I feel Tobi's hand on my forehead.

"Something wrong Hinata? You feel a bit warm." Tobi mocked.

"I-I'm fine." I stutter out. I feel him play with my long dark hair. This calms me down some, my heart rate began to slow back down to its normal pace.

I'm not sure how long we stood there, not saying anything. Tobi just played with my hair, and I let him. I was trying to work up enough nerve to look and see what Tobi really looks like.

"I'm surprised you haven't looked yet, Hinata. I can tell it's killing you not to." Tobi starts, still playing with my hair. "You know, if you were to look and see," Tobi paused.

"Then I would have to kill you."

Is what I thought he would say, but instead of a death threat, he tells me something more shocking.

"You'd be the second person, who is alive, to know my true identity."


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Sorry for any misspells and/or grammar, oh and for not reviling who Tobi is yet :p

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