you made her the villian || aouad crew + eun-ji & gwi-nam

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[IMAGINE... gwinam never gets bitten but instead joins hands with the crew as eun-ji hunts him down as a hambie for releasing her video]


❝ He's still alive?! ❞, Eun-ji seethes from a distance as she witnesses Gwi-nam running with a bunch of other students, away from the crowded zombie hallways

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❝ He's still alive?! , Eun-ji seethes from a distance as she witnesses Gwi-nam running with a bunch of other students, away from the crowded zombie hallways.

Something in her snapped as she caught a glimpse of his face as they turned in the hallways, then flashes of what him and his friends had done to her all these years boiled her blood.

Then the video. The video that he carelessly released, knowing it would ruin her.

Her blood shot eyes gleamed with purpose. "I'm going to fucking kill him!", she screams to herself.


The crew plus Gwi-nam sprinted into the science room, immediately shutting the doors and holding it still whilst the others closed the curtain blinds, in which the zombie crowd that followed them quietened down.

Everyone was panting as they tried to catch their breaths.

"Yah, Gwi-nam", Dae-su says between breaths as he catches the attention of the bully whos known to be a sheep of Myung-hwan and his boys. "How did you survive out there by yourself?"

The tall boy recalled of how he selfishly threw people away from him for his own survival. That's when the guilt started bubbling up inside him.

He didn't respond yet it was an answer enough to put everyone on edge.

"He wasn't alone", Su-hyeok cuts in, glaring dangerously at the tall newcomer.

Gwi-nam glances at him.

"I bet you survived because you didn't care to save your classmates", he accuses him.

The sight of Su-hyeok always made Gwi-nam sick to the core.

His lips twitched in irritation as he slanted his eyes at him.

"Don't act like you're some saint", he spat at Su-hyeok. "I hate it when you think you're better than me, ey?"

Su-hyeok rolled his eyes at him.

"So what if I sacrificed people to save my own skin? Can you fucking blame me?! It was no-mans land out there!", he starts to shout at him in anger, and in response the zombies outside in the hallway rile up at the loudness.

"You're pathetic", Su-hyeok scowled as he leaps to throw a punch at Gwi-nam and manages to land one on his face.

"Why, you little", Gwi-nam and Su-hyeok start to fight as everyone else stood back in fear.

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