the future they deserve || cheongsan x onjo

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✧*̥˚ This oneshot is dedicated to yangjungwonbest *̥˚✧

[IMAGINE... a happily ever after future where cheongsan and onjo were still alive after the outbreak, then got married and had a kid]

 a happily ever after future where cheongsan and onjo were still alive after the outbreak, then got married and had a kid]

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Cheong-san tucks his son into bed, the warm glow of the nightlight sheltering the corners of the room like a nice tent.

"Appa", his son, So-ju who was named after his wife's late father, had called out to him as he was fluffing his pillow.

"Hm?", Cheong-san looked down at him.

"Can you read me a story, Appa?"

Cheong-san smiles. "Sure. What? One with dragons, or heroes-"


Cheong-san frowned. "Zombie? Why, where did you hear of such a thing?"

The past events that weighed heavily on him and On-jo flashed in his mind, his friends and classmates turning into those things and dying.

"Me fren told me. Her appa always talk about zombie!", So-ju cutely says, unknown to the monsters he was so fond of.

"Do you even know what that is?", On-jo says, walking in on them.

Cheong-san spun around with an alarmed expression on his face. On-jo raised a brow at her husband, as she approached them, a smirk on her lips.

"I let you tuck him in for once and this is what I come back to?"

"I-I swear, it wasn't me this time-"

On-jo chuckles as she pats Cheong-san on the back, letting him know it's okay as she goes to sit on the opposite side of the bed next to her son, who was gleaming up at the both of them.

"Eomma! Zombie, zombie!", So-ju's excitement leaked out of him, as On-jo couldn't hold in her adoration at the sight of her son.

Cheong-san watches his wife as she caresses So-ju's hair and then shakes her head.

"I'm not going to tell you about what a zombie is-", On-jo says as the boy pouts, "but, I will tell you a story about a group of soldiers who fought off zombies."

On-jo and Cheong-san's eyes connected in knowing, their soft smiles syncing along with their thoughts.

"Now that, I can read to you about", Cheong-san butts in.

The two begin to tell the tale of how a group of soldiers came together during a war, trying to find a way to survive. How they were soldiers from different areas, some even mere strangers. But if anything to be taught during times of hardship, was that loyalty is the most important strength.

"And so they learnt that they needed to stick together, no matter what, to live", On-jo says to her son, as his eyes slowly fluttered to sleep.

"Even though they lost some on the way, they will always cherish the time they spent together", Cheong-san mutters, his eyes flitting towards On-jo's, his heart skipping a beat. "Because sometimes when you're on the brink of dying... you have to find something to live for in order to survive."

On-jo didn't realize Cheong-san was staring at her, suddenly the intensity from his heated gaze causing her to blush, not only from that but from the hidden meaning behind his words.

Their son's soft snores filled the room as the parents succeeded in putting him to sleep, quietly leaving the room and retreating back to their own.

"Yah, who knew you were such a cheesy poet?", On-jo teases Cheong-san as they walk in their hallways to their room.

"I blame you for that", he wraps his arms from behind, On-jo's stomach erupting with butterflies as a toothy smile grows on her lips.

"I can't believe our son would ask about zombies", she mumbled as he began pecking kisses at her neck, distracting her as she felt an emotion stir within her.

She opened the bedroom door and entered with her husband still clinging to her back, his lips leaving a trail of featherlight kisses on her skin as he closes the door behind him.

"It's fine. He should learn of his parents past one day or another", he mutters onto her neck, On-jo can't help but focus on even though their topic of conversation was otherwise.

"He's too... young", On-jo moans as she felt his hot, wet tongue lick the sensitive part behind her earlobe.

"Shh, you might wake our son up with those pretty moans of yours", he cooes as if he himself wasn't getting so hot and bothered at the way his wife would writhe under his touch.

"You know what", On-jo says as she suddenly tears his arms off her and spins herself around so that their bodies are flushed together, her arms wrapped around his neck, a flirtacious smile on her lips.

"I've always wanted a daughter", she seductively whispers in his ear, sending shivers down Cheong-san's spine.

"Oh yeah?", his hooded eyes darkened as they gaze into On-jo's hazel eyes that were blazing with lust. "Then let's make one."

On-jo yelps as he lifted her up, her legs hoisting around his waist as he grips her under her thighs.

"Lil On-jo it is!", he glees as she giggles, trying to hush him from awakening So-ju.

The two instantly went into a steamy makeout session then spending their night making endless love to each other with the heavy schedules they had throughout the weeks.

Their past during that horrific time wasn't a topic they would usually discuss, especially when they lost their mother and father to that cause.

But knowing that they both are here today, with a little boy, speaks volumes of how much they love and care for each other. For their reason for existing is one another.

 For their reason for existing is one another

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