i'll never leave you pt. 3 || namra x suhyeok

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[IMAGINE... suhyeok is the one that gets bitten by gwinam instead by saving namra]

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┈┈。゚۪ ۪ ۪ ۪ ۪ ゚。┈┈

Seeing the zombie sprinting towards them, Nam-ra sends Su-hyeok apart from her as he collides against the wall, wincing at the impact

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Seeing the zombie sprinting towards them, Nam-ra sends Su-hyeok apart from her as he collides against the wall, wincing at the impact.

Embracing for contact, the infected student tackles her as she collapses to the ground with it toppling on top of her.

"Argh!", she yelps as her hands flew up, forced against its chest as it aggressively gnashes its teeth down at her, blood and saliva dripping from its mouth onto her face.

Su-hyeok's attention being muddled and briefly distracted, heard the  sounds of Nam-ra's shrieks and glances towards her.

Upon seeing the sight of the zombie about to gain the upper strength and kill her, made something inside him snap.

His blood twisted inside and he enters an unfamiliar territory of rage that made him lose control of his body, now charging towards them with a newfound strength.

He immediately snatches the zombie off of her by bounding his hands on it's collar, the infected student now writhing in his strong hold.

The zombie starts directing it's attention to him, biting it's blood-stained teeth at him but his grip on its collar was unshakeable as it was thrashing up in the air, growling unintelligible noises.

As he glares at the zombie in his control, a brewing entity of fury boils inside him. He felt himself twitching, the sounds of his bones cracking making him see red in his sight.

Then like a madman, he smashes his fist directly into its chest and rips out its decaying heart.

He gripped it in the palm of his hand as it slowly pounded, the blood splurging all over the place as he tosses its dying body to the ground like it was nothing, a gleam of mischievousness in his eyes.

Nam-ra manages to get up on her feet, but she didn't miss what had just happened before her eyes as she fearfully eyes Su-hyeok who stood there rigidly, staring at the heart in his hand then crushing it with his bare hands, more blood splattering everywhere.

Dread bubbled up inside her upon witnessing the strange yet animalistic scene before her eyes, but then she saw that they had attracted the horde as they were now hurtling towards them.

𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐅 𝐔𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 // IMAGINES + SHIPSWhere stories live. Discover now