more than friends pt. 2 || mijin x hari

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[IMAGINE... the crew hadn't found their way back to the camp and instead keeps moving forward to find shelter, where mijin and hari realize their feelings for each other after what feels like the end]

CONTINUED - 1600 words

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The only survivors left out of Hyosan High saw the fire station that On-jo had led them to

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The only survivors left out of Hyosan High saw the fire station that On-jo had led them to.

It was two huge buildings connected as a duplex, one of them with a huge gate door for access to trucks. Surrounding it was a metal fence and big concreted space that was empty, possibly due to the fact that the firemen had all gone out in the hopes of saving the town from this wretched occurence.

So far, no zombies were seen on their way here.

As On-jo led them to a back gate that had luckily been open for them, Mi-jin had Ha-ri's arm wrapped around her shoulders as she assisted her inside the quarters, the athlete still clutching her side where her wound was.

"Back here", On-jo whispers as they all head through a back door, cautiously walking inside in case there were zombies in this building.

When the finally cleared the area and came to the conclusion that they were alone, they finally relaxed and breathed sighs of relief of having space to themselves.

"Hurry, where's the first aid kit?", Mi-jin says to On-job who glances at Ha-ri, her face looking paler than usual with sweat coating her forehead.

She was losing too much blood.

"This way!"

Su-hyeok helped Mi-jin carry Ha-ri as she was getting weaker and putting all her weight on the little senior. They all followed On-jo up a flight of stairs and into a hallway. Then they turned left and saw a glass tinted door that said "Storage".

"In here", she goes to open the door but it's locked.

"Aish!", Dae-su cries out as he pulls his hair with his hands.

On-jo keeps trying to open it but it just wouldn't budge.

"Isn't there a key?", Su-hyeok suggests in a hurried tone and then a flash of realization appears in her features.

"I need to find the key in the main office. I'll be quick!", she reassures them, specifically looking at Mi-jin and Ha-ri where the wounded athlete was leaning on her classmates shoulder, who was staring at her worriedly as her grip tightened around her.

𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐅 𝐔𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 // IMAGINES + SHIPSWhere stories live. Discover now