more than friends pt. 1 || mijin x hari + aouad crew

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[IMAGINE... the crew hadn't found their way back to the camp and instead keeps moving forward to find shelter, where mijin and hari realize their feelings for each other after what feels like the end]

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Exhausted. Dehydrated. Starving.

Their bodies were about to collapse any minute the longer they ran through Yangdong, trying to find their way out.

Ha-ri was lagging behind the group, the absence of her bow and arrows reminding her of how powerless she was right now but that didn't seem to bother her as much as the scene of her brother turning before her eyes.

Everyone, although tired, is giving their all as they ran, using the opportunity of scarce zombies to flee the scene as soon as possible.

"Yah... hurry up!", Mi-jin yells behind her to Ha-ri, who simply ignored her and kept jogging at her own pace.

Mi-jin was concerned about her, knowing that she had just lost her brother and it was definitely impacting her state of survival right now.

The small senior looks towards the group, Suhyeok and On-jo running side by side, Dae-su being carried by Hyo-ryong.

"Aish", Mijin mumbles under her breath as she slows down until she is at Ha-ri's side, her hand immediately gripping her forearm.

"C-mon superstar, this isn't over yet!", she encourages her and it seemed to give her a little boost as they picked up the pace to be closer to the group.

What felt like an eternity, they turn the corner of the street and run into the clearing of the train tracks which On-jo's dad told them to go.

"Almost there", Mi-jin breathes out as she glances at Ha-ri, who as usual had a stoic expression.

The crew pushed further and further until they came across a huge barricade at the end of the track.

"Yah... what the fuck is this?!", Dae-su shouts as the group halts at the enormous blocking at their path.

A gate sealed with chains of multiple locks that extended to ends that were blocked by mounts of unclimbable, steep hills.

Electric wires were installed on the top and it would be impossible for anyone to climb over as it was too high.

Su-hyeok approaches it first and he sees a lengthy worded sign displayed on the gate.

"Survivors must retreat to shelter and wait for 24 hrs as all areas of Hyosan have been cleared", Su-hyeok reads aloud. "At 1400, drones will be sent out containing fresh water and food in Yangdong ONLY. For the meantime, you are an asymptomatic person carrying the virus so do please understand that we are doing everything in our power to recover as safely as possible."

"Yah... asymptomatic? What the fuck does that mean?!", Dae-su cries out and then groans when Hyo-ryong drops him from her shoulders and runs to the sign.

"They're telling us to wait another day out here?!", she yells out as she glances at the sign and then to everyone with widened eyes.

Everyone begins to complain as On-jo and Suhyeok try to calm the group down.

"Cleared out the area my ass", Mi-jin spat out as she curled her lower lip in disgust at recalling the horde of zombies they faced.

𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐅 𝐔𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 // IMAGINES + SHIPSWhere stories live. Discover now