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Namjoon woke up with a flinch. The bedroom was empty. He looked around as slowly the things that happened yesterday came to him again. He had killed someone. His eyes closed as the image of the blood came into his mind. Slowly he stumbled out of the bed and navigated his way out of the room. In the dining area, Seokjin was setting up the table. Namjoon looked around the house. It looked like nothing ever happened there. No one broke into the house, Namjoon didn't fight with anyone, He didn't ki-

"Oh, you are up." Seokjin smiled and pointed at the chair, "Let's eat breakfast." He was wearing a white shirt, a blue tie and a waistcoat. His sleeves were folded till elbow.

Namjoon sat on the chair but kept playing with his food.

"What happened?" Seokjin asked as he sat opposite Namjoon.

Namjoon gulped, "What happened to the body?"

"What body?" Seokjin raised his eyebrows.

"Hyung..." Namjoon whined. "The body of the man I- You know what I am talking about."

Seokjin folded his hands against his chest and leaned back, "Listen, Namjoon. It is better if you forget about what happened yesterday. Just think of it as a nightmare and move on with your life."

"Move on?" Namjoon's voice felt like he was offended, "Hyung, I killed a person. How can I move on?"

Seokjin sighed, "He wasn't a good man. He had five murder charges against him and he broke into my house."

"Yes, but I can't take law in my hands."

Seokjin scoffed, "Law? That law let him roam free even after he was convicted of murders. Which law are you talking about, Namjoon?"

Namjoon licked his lips nervously, "I still think it was unfair."

Seokjin closed his eyes and chuckled. He opened his eyes and glared at Namjoon, "Do you think this world is fair? Do you think you have always been fair to others?" He stood up and snatched his suit coat that was hanging on the chair's back. "Namjoon-shi. To survive in this world, you have to face reality. And the reality is that the world works in unfair ways."

Namjoon stood up as well, "I know the world isn't fair. My childhood wasn't exactly a fair one. But I don't want this weight of killing someone with me forever."

Seokjin stopped from going out of the house and turned back. He rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Of course. You know what? I hate people like you the most. You think just because of some minor inconvenience, you have a very troubled childhood. Well, guess what you didn't have to kill three-four people every month to survive! You didn't have to live every day in fear that some men would come and kill you and your mother." Seokjin walked out of the house, slamming the door behind him.


"Ohhh... Yoongi hyung. You look good." Hoseok smiled brightly.

Yoongi chuckled, "Thanks, Hobi-yah."

Hoseok winked, "Going somewhere?"

Yoongi nodded, "Well, my date got cut short tomorrow because of Namjoon. So we decided to continue it today."

Hoseok hummed, "Did you tell him what happened with Namjoon yesterday?"

Yoongi sat beside him, shaking his head, "I think I will leave that to Namjoon."

Hoseok was about to say something when the door opened revealing Seokjin. He came in and sat on the single couch beside Yoongi and Hoseok, "Do I not give you guys enough work? Why are you always in my office?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "I am literally your secretary."

"Someone's in a bad mood." Hoseok laughed.

Seokjin sighed, "I am sorry. I am just angry at Namjoon."

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