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The building looked already intimidating and as Namjoon went in, the men in the building looked at them as if they were a plague. Namjoon just went in after Seokjin, closely walking behind him. Yoongi followed them with some other people. When they went in, the chairman of the other company sat with his team as well.

They all got up as they saw Seokjin enter the room. When their lawyer saw Namjoon, he smirked and looked at Seokjin, "Did you fire Hoseok-shi?"

Seokjin scoffed, "Do you really think I would do that? He turned to Namjoon, "He is Kim Namjoon, an intern working under Hoseok."

Namjoon sighed in relief. He was really worried about what he was going to be introduced as. The lawyer of the opposite company just scoffed. This ticked Namjoon's ego. Who the fuck does he think he is? Namjoon was going fucking win this case.

The case began and like an overconfident idiot, Shinbyul, the opposing lawyer started the case without actually listening to what Seokjin had to say. "So, your company does not like the terms that we have proposed?"

Seokjin sighed and looked at Namjoon. Namjoon nodded and turned to Shinbyul, "Well, first of all, the terms were changed without consenting to my client first and secondly, there was no mention of changes when the file was sent."

Shinbyul scoffed, "I think you are forgetting that it is basic knowledge to read before signing a legal document. My client doesn't have to inform everything to your client."

Oh, fuck. Namjoon fucked up. He was right. Not everything is to be informed. He closed his eyes and immediately, the gears in his mind started running.

Business law.

His weakness.

But he had to move ahead. He had to think of something. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and smirked. "Fine. I agree that everything is not to be informed. But, what you were trying to do can be called one type of cheating." His smirk intensified when he saw the opposing CEO sweat. They had planned this. "First of all, you changed the crucial details like equity percentage and ownership rights without consulting my client. Secondly, when my client wanted to meet with the CEO to dismiss the misunderstanding, you called a legal meeting directly. Should we come to the conclusion that you were trying to cheat my client?"

Shinbyul's eyes went wide. "There was no such request for a meeting." He said so quickly that it sounded desperate.

Namjoon tilted his head, "Why don't you tell your CEO to check his email account? Right now. In front of us." Shinbyul and the chairman looked at the CEO who just nodded slowly. Namjoon smiled sweetly, "So, to make things right, I will propose a different deal." He passes some papers on the desk.

The chairman and lawyer read the terms and then discussed it internally. Shinbyul looked up, "This is absolutely not done."

"I don't think you have any space to argue when you are at fault in the first place." Namjoon leaned back comfortably on his chair, smirking because he knew what came next.

The chairman finally spoke, "If you can't make amendments in the contract then we will have to end the deal."

There were millions of firecrackers going on in Namjoon's mind. Perfect! He rejoiced internally. "Fine, then. Here are the termination papers. Because the contract is terminating from your side, you will be paying up the losses that happened due to you."

Everyone stood up from their seats as Seokjin stood up. He smiled, "It was nice doing business with you. Too bad, it ended earlier than I expected."

Without a second word, he turned back and left the office. When they reached the basement, Namjoon stopped and sighed, "I did it."

Everyone turned back. "Huh?" Yoongi exclaimed. "What?"

Namjoon looked up with a huge smile, displaying his dimples. There were sparkles in his eyes as if he had conjured the entire galaxy in his eyes. He walked briskly to Seokjin and hugged him tightly, "I did it! I won the case. I terminated the contract!"

Seokjin was shocked by the sudden hug. His heart started beating so fast that he was scared that he might have a heart attack. But he was more concerned about Namjoon finding out about it. He blinked twice and then patted Namjoon's back, "Yeah. You did it. We won."

Namjoon broke the hug, still smiling brightly, "I won my first case. I was so nervous in there. Oh my god!" He looked at Yoongi, "I was literally sweating. I was about to puke in there. But then I tried something new. And it worked!"

Yoongi chuckled, "Congrats, buddy."

Seokjin hummed, "A question. How did you know Hoseok sent them mail?"

Namjoon turned back. His chest was so puffed with pride that Seokjin worried it would burst out. "When I was in the boutique, I realised that there should be an exchange of emails to clarify the situation. So I called Hoseok hyung and he confirmed that he did send a mail to the CEO. He also gave some tips."

Seokjin nodded, very impressed about how Namjoon handled the situation. He went near Namjoon and patted his back. "Good job. You did amazing."

Everyone was dismissed after the meeting in the basement. Seokjin and Namjoon sat in Seokjin's car and Yoongi and others went in another car. Seokjin's car ran through the streets as Namjoon looked out of the window and Seokjin closed his eyes. After a while, Seokjin turned to Namjoon, "You really did a great job."

Namjoon turned around quickly. The motion was so fast that their faces came close to each other. So close that their faces were just a few inches away. Namjoon's eyes went on Seokjin's lips for a second and looked up immediately. He was caught. Seokjin saw his vision falling on his lips. Namjoon subconsciously licked his lips.

Seokjin turned back to his actual position and closed his eyes, "Take the car to the penthouse."

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