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The ring of the alarm woke Namjoon up. He frantically turned the alarm off to not wake Seokjin up. Thankfully, Seokjin was still asleep. He sighed and looked at Seokjin. His hair was sticking to his forehead and to the pillow. He looked so soft, so innocent, so pure. No one would say that the same man when awake, sends shivers down people's spines. No one would think that people would be afraid of this man. He softly touched Seokjin's cheek and slid it through his nose to his lips. Namjoon didn't know what took over him, but he leaned in and left a soft kiss on Seokjin's lips.

Seokjin woke up to the smell of the food and fresh coffee. He squinted his eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight that came through the window. He went to the bathroom, brushed his teeth, put on a t-shirt and went to the living room. Namjoon sat at the dining table looking through his phone. When he sensed Seokjin's presence, he looked up.

"Oh, you woke up." Namjoon smiled. "I ordered breakfast from the other cafe I work at. And don't worry it is safe to eat for you. It's a trusted cafe. Also, I already ate and I am fine, so..." He shrugged and got up. "Oh, i also borrowed your clothes without asking you. Sorry, didn't want to wake you up."

Seokjin nodded. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

Namjoon smiled sweetly, "You were sleeping so peacefully and I thought you would be tired after last night."

Seokjin scoffed, "Oh please. As if that minimal sex would affect me."

Namjoon raised one eyebrow and smirked, "Are you giving me a licence to go harder next time?" Seokjin just shrugged without giving any answer. Namjoon shook his head and chuckled, "Anyway, I am leaving. Or I'll be late for the class." He looked at his watch, "oh shoot. I am late." He turned to Seokjin, "I'll see you next time. Bye!" Seokjin nodded and saw him dash through the front door.

He sighed and sat on the chair while wincing. "Aish. Can't believe having sex with that giant teddy bear caused me back pain." He clicked his tongue and opened various covered bowls and plates. When he opened the last one, he got confused. There were two pills in the bowl and a note under those pills. Seokjin took the note out and read it.

You don't have to act strong in front of me. Take these pills after eating, you'll feel better.

Seokjin chuckled and shook his head, "This brat..."

On the other side, Namjoon stepped into the elevator with a confused mind. He touched his lips softly, "Why did I do that? Aish, why would I sneak a kiss? Was it the after effect of sex? But after 8 hours? Do I like him?... I mean, he is handsome, and extremely hot. He also sweet and understanding. A little hot headed but not a bad personality." He shook his head, "What are you thinking?"

"You definitely like him."

Namjoon squicked and turned back, "What the fuck. How long have you been here?"

Mew smiled, "We entered the elevator together. You didn't notice me."

Namjoon huffed and pouted, "Whatever."

Mew chuckled, "Hey, even if you like him don't expect anything from him. He doesn't do relationships."

"I wasn't-" Namjoon sighed, "I don't like him, okay? It was just the heat of the moment."

Mew nodded and shrugged, "Just warning you."

The door of the elevator opened and Namjoon and Mew exited the elevator. Mew stopped him and leaned a bit towards Namjoon, invading his personal space, "Oh, by the way, you look good in these clothes."

Mew stood back and turned around to walk out of the building. He stopped as soon as he was out of the building and turned back to look at Namjoon. Namjoon was looking at his clothes and a faint pink hue was settling on his honey cheeks. Mew chuckled. Of course, he knew the clothes belonged to Seokjin. He shook his head and sighed, "Ah, young love." He is just five years younger. His mind supplied. He shook his head to clear his thoughts, "Let's focus on the mission." 

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