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It's been two weeks, two fucking weeks. We've been trapped in this minivan, never returning home or going anywhere but the public washrooms and the grocery stores.

There is not even that much to eat anymore.

Mom took a 'break' from work. So that's why we can't afford a hotel room.

I was forced to leave my car behind. Mom said when things start to calm down we could go back home. I guess we just needed a break.

And it's almost been 2 weeks with no Cameron.

He's been texting me a lot but mom said its best I don't answer for a while.

What have we been eating? Junk food. And the occasional Mcdonalds or subway.

We've drank nothing but water bottles.

I haven't gone to school but my mom sighed me up for online school instead, after the 'incident'.

I spent most of my time on my phone or my MacBook.

Has Bryan dried to contact us? Not once. I bet his dick is up another girls ass. Who cares at this point anyways.

My mom is an emotional wreck. She has been in a bitchy mode and I am quite afraid of her now. But I bet I would be quite upset, too.

I hate being trapped in here. It's like the walls are closing in on me, and that's probably the worst feeling in the world. You know when you feel nauseous and you get that pain in the pit of your stomach.

I haven't heard from Ashley. Not even one fucking phone call. I bey she's glad I'm gone.

I bet she has more popularity and friends. I always held her back anyway.

Me and mom are getting more depressed as the days go by.

The van is quit except for the silent curses coming from my mom. I felt quite sorry for her.

Reading Cameron's text shattered my heart. It hurt so bad ignoring him. I can't do this anymore. I guess that's what it's like to truly miss someone. But the most recent one shattered my heart.

From: Cameron
Listen, Alexa, I know you've moved on, but I can't. I love you so much and I miss you so much, I've been crying myself to sleep. It hurts so bad to know your ignoring me. Call me uhh whatever I guess.

There 245 other text messages from him. I needed to talk to him.

"I need some air," I told my mom as I grabbed my phone and exited the car.

I quickly dialed Cams number and tapped my foot as I waited for him to pick up.

"ALEXA WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU"! Cameron yelled into the phone.

"Cam, I'm okay, I just really need you right now.. Bryan cheated on my mom so we packed up and left.. we've been staying in a parking lot for two week... please come," I whispered, tears flooding my cheeks.

"I'll be there in 10 minutes," cam sighed and hung up.

Hello everybody
Sorry this is such a short chapter.
I've been really busy lately. Anyways please vote and Comment.

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