I. How You First Met

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Altaïr: At the gym. He caught you checking him out and decided to introduce himself first. Now you never miss a day to workout.

Ezio: You had happened to be shopping when your eyes met his chocolatey brown ones. You went in the changing room to try on an outfit.When you came out, he complimented you, followed by hours of talking.

Connor: You met him at a pet adoption clinic. He happened to be a volunteer. You thought about taking time from your busy Saturdays to help out, too.

Edward: You were at the beach. After lunch, you ignored the 'swim after one hour from eating' rule and got a cramp. He saw you quickly and dived into the water. He saved you; even giving you CPR, which wasn't really necessary.

Haytham: At a libray. You were too short to reach the top shelf, he quickly came to your aid. After shyly thanking him, he offered to take you out for coffee, while discussing your favorite books.

Desmond: At the bar he worked at. You happened to get lost from driving home from a distant relative's house and stopped to get directions. He was more than happy to give you what you needed, over three martinis.

Arno: At a coffee house. You were new around the neighborhood and wanted to try it because you heard great things. He thought you were cute the moment you set foot inside. He did anything and everything to talk to you, even if it meant spilling your order and making you a new one.

Jacob: In your apartment complex. He was locked of his apartment (again) and asked you to keep him company as he waited for the landlord with the extra set of keys to come by. He was very bold and flirtatious. You wondered how you've never seen him around before.

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