Binge Watching

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Altaïr: You and him just cannot stop watching Breaking Bad. The show keeps you both on edge, just terrified of what would happen if the fifty year old ex-chemestry teacher, now meth cook, and his twenty-something ex-student got caught by the cook's brother in law, who is an agent of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). You both loved the rush it gave you.
Ezio: The both of you need to stop watching Supernatural and get out of the house. But the ten seasons of the two (very attractive) demon hunters who would go to hell and back (literally) was just so addicting! And, because he says that the younger one has great hair.
Connor: Who knew that he'd be interested in watching The Walking Dead? It has everything that you both enjoy; action, love/betrayal, and a great plot. Not to mention some of the cool weapons used. Katanas, rifles, and (his favorite) the crossbow. I guess you already know his Christmas gift?
Edward: As much as it pains you to say it, you love how he'll talk about Game Of Thrones with you. You both haven't missed an episode, ever since it aired. He's either fighting for the bastard of the Starks to win, or the Mother of the Dragons to succeed. Either way, it is a race after all.
Haytham: Typical English men, am I right? He has this pang for young, single sociopathic men to run around London with his slightly older, perhaps middle age retired army doctor who's now his trusty blogger and sidekick; solving crimes and the unsolvable as he begins to find himself and becomes a real person because of his only friend. Sherlock? Who would've ever known?
Desmond: Orange Is The New Black wasn't his first choice, but after the second episode, he was hooked. Maybe it was all the nudity and lesbian sex? Maybe it wasn't? Okay, let's be honest - it is. But there's something about this young, blonde 'criminal' from Connecticut and all her 'delinquent' friends that he's interested in. With its really clever and really witty humor, and backstories of each inmate, you both get to see how people, even those who were arrested, are still people too. But the sex. He's in it for the sex.

i made this up in twenty minutes. these are shows i watch, so don't be like 'u don't even know what ur talkin bout broo'

lol, here i got with Matt Ryan again. fan fact, he's an avid GoT fan :)

aaaaand sorry for spelling/grammar :/

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