You Get Hurt

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Altaïr: "Just a little further," he encouraged you as you treaded up the steep hill, out of breath. You finally made it to the top, until you fell up (you didn't how how it was possible) and tripped, scraping your knees. You flinched from the pain. "Oh no," he said quietly, in a dramatic way. He picked you up bridal-style and carried you down the rest of the hill

Ezio: "Cut it like this," he picked up the knife from your hand and demonstrated how to cut the piece of chicken you were preparing. After handing the knife to you, you began cutting away before accidently, not looking, cutting your finger. You quickly dropped the knife, giving out a curse, when he ran to your aid, putting your finger under the sink faucet and wrapping the cut with a bandage.

Connor: "Think about how peaceful it is, just the two of us," he sighed, lying next to you in the grass of the rolling meadow. You sighed in agreement when you heard buzzing around you. Ignoring it, you closed your eyes in the tranquil moment. The buzzing, again, kept bothering you when you noticed it was a wasp hovering over you. You gave a loud shriek as you tried to swat it away when it landed on your arm and stung you. Screaming, you held to wounded area from any more harm when he led you to a river to wash it from infection.

Edward: "You gotta be quicker than that, love!" he calls as he swims to the other side of the lake. You were just inches behind him when you felt a sharp pain in your thigh. You though it was a cramp and decided to call the race off, and offer a rematch. But the water began to feel warm. You looked underwater quickly to see blood. Your muscles tensed when you couldn't swim much longer. He noticed you and turned back. When he asked what was wrong, you said you felt pain. He held you bridal-style under the water so he could feel your thigh, and diagnosed it as a snake bite. He swam back, with your arms around his neck. He viewed it more closely, seeing that it was very tiny, but that it should probably get checked.

Haytham: "Don't worry, it's perfectly safe," he patted the horse you mounted and stepped back, watching you steer the horse shakily. Your first time horseback riding, and it looks like a great start. All until the horse got out of your control and you fell on your back, your elbow breaking your fall. He ran over to you to examine the damage done. He knew you had fractured your elbow, so there was no argument as to who would sign your cast first.

Desmond: "What're you afraid of?" he calls down to you as he scales the shell of the skyscraper. He thought it would be a fun idea to climb up to the top of a very tall building and make it up there alive. You're nerves kept nudging you to not continue on - one slip up and you'd die. But, you ignored your conscience and pushed yourself up higher as you saw him waving above, from a platform. Inching nearer and nearer, your grip accidentally slipped as you shrieked in horror, holding onto a long piece of secured rope, slipping down a level until he rushed down to save you. By the time you were saved, your hands had endured burn marks, beginning to bleed from your skin as he latches you onto his back safely so he can get you professional help.

i know, i know. this one is pretty dumb, too.

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