You Get Fired, He Comforts You

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the job you ha(d)ve is up to you.

Altaïr: "Hey, are you okay?" he asks, hearing your soft sobs over the phone. If there's one thing in life he doesn't like besides water, it's you crying. "What's wrong?"

"I got fired today," you try to say in your most calm state possible. "That's why I'm home so early."

"Oh, shit," is all he breathes as you hear him curse and grip hard on the steering wheel of the car. Like being stuck in traffic is bad enough. "I'm really sorry, {Y/n}. You didn't deserve that.

"I know," you sniffle, throwing away yet another tissue.

"I'll be there soon, okay?"


15 minutes later

"How's my girl doing?" he walks in the living room of your flat, setting his gym bag onto the floor. You were sprawled onto the couch, surrounded by used tissues, water bottles (always stay hydrated, he said) and comply pillows to cry into.

"I'm doing okay," you whisper, pulling him in for a hug.

"You're very strong, {Y/n}. I'm proud of you. No matter what happens."

That triggers you to smile, and in return, kiss him gently to make all of this trouble go away.

"And," he adds. "Abstergo is really going to miss you, whether they like it, or not."
Ezio: "That's a load of cazzo!" he erupts, eyes wide as he reads your pink slip and official discharge reports. "Why did they fire you?"

"I don't know," you shake your head, trying to stay calm. "They must've thought that they needed someone better to do the job."

"Vieni qui," he pulls you in for a hug, not a care in the world that you're tears and made up face are staining his $895 Versace sweater (i actually dropped my phone at this. the camera lense cracked. FML). "It's alright. You don't need them anymore. C'mon, lets go buy you some new shoes."

"B-But, I-I don't have any money to spend," you look into his chocolate brown eyes, full of hope.

"My treat," he winks, walking you out to his car.

"Thank you," you kiss him before opening the car door to the passengers seat.

"Let's go show those Abstergo executives how to really dress."
Connor: "What's the matter, {Y/n}?" he rubs your shoulders as you sit on your bed, crying hard. What's really sad is that it put your pets into a sad mood, too.

"I've been fired," you look up at him, wanting his comforting touch. He pouts, pulling you in for a great bear hug as this settles you down.

"You'll be okay. I know you will. You're very brave," brushes the hair away from your face.

"You're the reason I'm feeling better from it," you peck his lips. The dogs start to feel happy again, baring and jumping excitedly onto the bed, which results with the both of you laughing.

"Abstergo may be able to let you go, but you can still keep your dignity," his smile lights up your world.
Edward: "Shit, really?" he tips the bottle of beer back so it could flood down his throat.

"Yeah, really," you wipe your burning eyes from the stinging tears. "God, I've never been fired before. This really sucks."

"Here," he throws you a bottle onto your lap. "Drink it. All your anger'll go away."

"I don't think that-"

He gas your neck to silence you with a kiss. Too stunned to open your own beer, he twists the cap off for you.

"What shall we drink to, hm?" he holds an arm around your waist, while looking out at the view of the city below you from your flat.

"To us?" you suggest, shrugging. You both sip as he looks out, a gleam in his blue eyes.

"To the tosspots, Abstergo - for the biggest mistake in the history of their business."
Haytham: "My darling, must you cry so hard?" he asks, kneeling beside you to stand you up from the bathroom floor.

"I've been fired - how else do you want me to handle it?" you snap, seeing that he is in as much pain as you are.

"I was only saying that it hurts me when you cry," he holds you in his arms. You begin to calm down when listening to his heartbeat, and the reminder of his exquisite voice and accent.

"I'm sorry," you apologize, cleaning yourself up.

"No need for apologies, my dear," he walks into his office, powering up his laptop.

"What'll you do? Send a strongly worded letter to complain to them?" you smile, leaning in the doorway.

"Yes, but with words that I wouldn't find very appropriate to use - along with some initial threats," he merely shrugs, setting off to work.

"I'll leave you to it, then," you walk off.

"I'll make Abstergo Industries a living hell, if it's the last thing I do," he mutters, typing quickly.
Desmond: "Baby? Everything alright?" he peeks his head through the doorway to your bedroom.

"No," you sob, crying into a pillow.

"Want to tell me what's wrong or do I have all day to guess?" his cocky character comes out to play.

"I got fired, you moron," you pull a pillow so close to you that it might even become you.

"Oh," he whispers, walking cautiously to you, afraid you might attack him or something. "It'll be okay. They're plenty of jobs, {Y/n}. You'll find something better."

"Not in this fucking economy," you snap, giving him this 'are you serious' look through your pain. Sometimes, you'd kill to just push him out of a window.

"Seriously, fuck those guys," he waits my for you to quiet down, laying next to you while petting your hair. "You're better than them."

"Yeah, you're right," you kiss him before he can say anything else stupid. "Fuck Abstergo."

"Yeah, fuck Abstergo - wait..."

haha, ploT TWIST
how is everybody doing

that's good

so i wanted to know if someone wanted to make me a new cover for this book because i just threw mine together at the last minute tbh.

just PM me if you're interested.

happy father's day toooooooo

*all these men are our fathers*
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