Birthday Gifts From You to Him

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Altaïr: You baked him a cake from scratch; with homemade icing and everything. He didn't care if it was a cheat week or not - he devoured that thing. He said he never tasted a better cake in his whole life, which of course made you blush. As a second gift, you got him a couple's spa day where you can both relax and be stress free.

Ezio: You spent the day with him at the beach. You both tanned, ate fried food, built sandcastles, indulged in ice cream took long romantic walks on the shore - you even collected seagull feathers for him because he told you of the time his little brother liked to gift feathers to his family on occasions. He had a pleasant day, just you and him.

Connor: You threw him a backyard barbecue with all of his closest friends in attendance. Your boyfriend doesn't really like attention, but for one day only he seemed prideful from all the hard work you put into this get-together.

Edward: You took him out for dinner on a yacht, just the two of you. As the sun set on the horizon, you both shared a glass of champagne, then retired below deck to a private room where you two did private things... privately.

Haytham: You gave him a cute little stationary set, with an inkwell, crisp white note cards, and perfume scented envelopes. Ever since then, you'd wake up to receive a letter each day from him about his undying love for you and how much you mean to him.

Desmond: You gave him a Nickleback CD - as a joke, of course. You were inspired to gift it to him when you both conversed about shitty music, and how sarcastic he was about wanting to have a CD from the worst band of all time.

i'm sorry this took too long lol

okay, real talk tho - idk if i'll be able to update this book anymore. i love writing, it's just (i'm ashamed to say) i've sort of lost touch w this fandom. honestly, that's what every writer in this fandom has been saying when they end a book about this particular game. i've just run out of ideas, though i get requests all the time. idk. i just really hate my writing, i guess.

anyway, it hasn't been officially decided yet. i'm just keeping it into consideration.

idk. you guys let me know.

onto more pressing matters;



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