Birthday Gifts From Him To You

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Altaïr: He took you out to get ice cream (though he bought himself frozen yogurt) and then took the rest of the day off to go to your favorite amuzment park. He avoided the water park at all costs, however.
Ezio: He bought you a Pandora bracelet, loaded with charms that described your personality to the T; a little tiara charm because you are his principessa, your lucky number because he feels lucky to have you, both yours and his astrological sign because your superstitious that way, and he even added yours and his country's flags because, why not?
Connor: He took you out horseback riding. You chose a horse with a stunning white coat and a silver mane; just beautiful, you thought. After a few hours, it was time to go home, and he knew that you didn't want to leave this white beauty. With a big smile on his face, he told you he had purchased it already.
Edward: He took you out drinking. Don't worry, it gets better. He rented out an apartment loft that looks out to the beach while you to danced together and drank very expensive drinks. You could obviously tell that everything was planned out perfectly (and he's the one who paid for it) because he's the one who poured you one after another. He's getting his money's worth.
Haytham: He took you out to a fancy restaurant. It was very nice, but also very typical. Towards the desert course, you were greeted by what seemed to be your favorite author, from out of nowhere! He/She shook hands with your date and chatted like they were life long friends (which they were). And then, all attention was towards you as you practically fangirled the whole night.
Desmond: He took you out to Comic Con! You were so excited when you saw roleplays of your favorite video game characters walking around. You took so many photos on your phone that you had to delete a few apps, which you didn't mind. You even got autographs from your favorite voice actors. That was definitely a day to remember.

hey guys! sorry i've been a little M.I.A. schoo's over which means i have the whole summer to do stuff i actually want to do. so, originally, i had a different imagine planned out to post, but since tomorrow is my birthday, i was like "Hm. maybe i should let them know that i'm actually not dead." i have been voting and reading other stories, so it's not like i've been completely away. i hope everyone and everything is good. i'm sorry if this sucks, i did this in under ten minutes. but i'll try harder next time!

also, you guys spoil me, i'm up to +8k today.


thank you thank you thank you!

be sure to check out my other stories as well.

*side note, i'm addicted to "Assassin's Creed Pirates" for ios and android. it's fun but also, like, dumb at the same time. idgaf, i like it.*

qotd: should i give out my kik? yay or nay

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