He Loves...

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Altaïr: Your body. He'll tell you time and time again, that you've stopped listening, but he says it so heartfelt that you actually buy it. He likes to touch, caress, grope - like any guy would. But he doesn't do it out of lust. He does it for love.

Ezio: Your eyes. He can stare into them all day. They hypnotize him. They brighten his mood. They make him fall in love with you over and over again. He falls under your spell every time. He usually gets you whatever you want with a single glance. It is, and forever will be, his favorite aspect of you.

Connor: Your intelligence. You're just so damn smart to him! He loves the way you think, the way you process things - how you're so creative. He loves sharing his feelings with someone who truly understands him. He can tell you anything, knowing how he feels. He wouldn't trade you for the world.

Edward: Your laugh. You think it's really weird, so you'll alter it to sound less crazy and more average. But of course it'll slip out and you'll become embarrassed. But he loves you for you and doesn't want you to change.

Haytham: Your smile. His day is made once he sees your lips curl from pure joy. It makes himself have the same effect. His attitude becomes brighter and he becomes unstoppable. He believes in himself to do thinks that he never thought he could do. Nothing more he could ever want.

Desmond: Your personality. You can be bitchy at times, but that's the main reason he loves you. You're so unique from different other girls he's dated. No one can talk the way you do. No one could enjoy or hate the way you do. You're so very special to him, that he thinks you make him a better person. And it's true. You're his rock.

thank you for the 25k views, i'm so grateful  <3

but i also have an announcement to make.

if you've read my other story "Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted", i've decided to not publish that book any further but i will be writing a new one that's based off of the show "The Borgias" and Assassin's Creed Brotherhood.

so i'd very much appreciate it if you'd check that out.

so far, only the prologue is up but i'm in the process of the next chapter so that should be up in a couple of days.

questions? concerns? problems?

you know how to PM me ;)

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