X. He Holds Your Hand In Public For The First Time

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Altaïr: You both went running at a near by park, right at high noon. After lapping six times, you grew tired, bending your knees to prop your body up with your arms. He ran by you, persuading you to follow. You laggingly shook your head 'no', breathing heavily. He pouted, telling you that you'd both walk home. You smiled, walking beside him. He slips his hand into yours, locking his fingers between yours like a natural instinct.

Ezio: You're both shopping, looking around, but nothing really seemed to be catching your eye. Boredom striked as you waled around the same section, when he said he wanted to go to another store. You agreed, following him out. He walked in another direction, pulling you by your hand to his side. Even though you were right next to him, his grip never loosened from your relaxed palm.

Connor: You went out for ice cream on a hot day. You both sat, talking and eating your delicious treats. On the way home, he noticed how cold your hands were from holding the flimsy ice cream cup. He took the hand closest to him, and curled his fingers around yours, heating them right away.

Edward: You went out to a casual place for dinner. There happened to be a thirty minute wait, which was worth it because the food was really good. You both sat on a short brick wall, on your phones to pass the time. When they had a place for you, you got up, not realizing that he had happened to sneak his hand into yours.

Haytham: A new book that you pre-ordered had arrived and you were in line to get it. The store was completely packed. He agreed to wait with you, so you could have someone to talk to. Exploding with excitement, you smile, scouting the area to see everyone else holding thier copy. You didn't bother to pay attention to when you felt his hand slither to yours. You blushed, turning to him, forgetting why you were even there.

Desmond: After another busy day taking tours of the city, you both decided to take the subway home. It was super sketchy to be taking a subway at night, due to the fact it was storming out and you both had your hoods pulled on. When there was a minor shake from the tracks it rode over, you'd jump slightly. He noticed when you'd get scared, and without a word or glance, he'd just take your hand and brush his thumb over the skin it rested on, soothing you.

Arno: After his shift from the coffee shop was over, you decided to join him for a hot cup at his place of work. You both sat at a table and talked for hours. He told you about his long, excruciating day, all while grabbing your hand to hold onto, playing with your fingers.

Jacob: Somehow you forced him to go to a museum with you. You yourself realized how lame it kind of was so you both decided to stroll on home. He grabbed your hand and held  it tightly, never wanting to let you out of his grasp.

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