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The doctors office reeks pungently of sterile equipment and disappointment and misery. James sighs softly, his head shaking lightly. " that's it then?" He asks, not desiring any further confirmation.

Healer Yara, a middle aged woman with bright lavender glasses, shakes her head, sadly. "I'm sorry, mister Potter," She says gently. Her voice is tender and low. She's given them this news before, many times before, in fact.

Lily lays on the examination bed, sullen and too familiar with thus feeling to feel anymore distraught than necessary. She tucks a stray strand of auburn hair behind her ear. She looks to James, her jade eyes hollowed. "So, I'm...I'm not pregnant?" She utters.

She already knows the answer, however. She has heard it all before. She isn't pregnant.

Healer Yara offers her a small, sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry, miss Evans. We can try again next month, if you'd like,"

"I...I think we're going to have to discuss this and get back to you," Lily says softly. She glances at James with kind eyes. "Won't we?"

James nods. Of course they will. "Course, course," He mumbles quietly.

They leave St. Mungos. Lily gently intertwines their fingers. "We'll be okay, won't we?" She asks, the dull March wind tugging at her hair. "Even if we don't have a baby?"

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