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Hello everyone!

Long time no see!

I am going to extend an apology in advance for anybody who thought that this was a chapter update!

I want to begin this note by apologizing for my absence in the passing months and for not updating. To be truthful, I haven't even written any drafts for any of my books in the past few months.

I want to explain a little as to why. I feel like I owe it to everyone to explain as you have all always been so supportive and kind in regards to my writing, and because I genuinely love having the opportunity to write and share it with you all. Thank you all for always being so sweet!

I have been doing very important exams and have been working towards a career goal for the last few months. That is part of the reasoning behind my absence on this app. Unfortunately, it is not the major reason.

I was in a very toxic, longterm relationship a few years ago that ended in early 2020. Since then, the toxicity has continued and I have done everything in my power to avoid it and to not provoke my ex partner.

Sadly, ignoring and neglecting to engage with him has only made him more abrasive towards me to the extent that I have had to seek legal advice and am currently in the process of gathering enough documents of the things he has put me through in order to obtain some kind of restraining order of a sense. Maybe not that extreme, I am still figuring this out.

This is somebody I had loved for years before and that I had trusted and since our breakup, he has shown me nothing but unpleasantness and terror with the various actions he has carried out against me. As this is ongoing, I am still very much in the process of gathering just enough 'evidence' to finally find some sort of peace and safety with regards to this situation.

Considering that he was a long time partner and companion, I hope that you can all see why it has been a little difficult to process. I am so sorry for my lack of updates, but I just don't think I could write very many 'happy' Jegulus scenes at the moment.

As a result of this, I have been unable to both find the time and find the willingness to just simply write a fluffy little fic or one shot surrounding Harry Potter's dad and his best friends. I am hoping to get back to my regular updating schedule as soon as I can but these things do take time.

I want to thank all for always being so patient and supportive. The love you have all shown my writing is something that I genuinely appreciate and writing on here is something that I enjoy and hope to continue soon. 💕

Thank you for reading.

With love,
Annalisa. Xx

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