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When James eventually gets home, after ensuring Regulus had all of his potions and that he managed to get back to Sirius and Remus' in on piece, he's exhausted; but also pleased with the somewhat progress he had seemed to have made with Regulus.

James had wanted to especially ensure that Regulus just made it home to his brother's. Something about those varied stitches unsettles James. He argues with himself that perhaps Regulus' appendix burst, maybe he just grazed his skin somehow?

Once James is in his own kitchen, he spots his girlfriend immediately. Her long hair is tied up in a loose ponytail. She huffs. "Where have you been?" She asks, glancing up at James from her place at the table.

"I told you, one of us had to go to Regulus' appointment," James answers. "The baby's healthy enough, they're growing at a good rate too," He adds, just to simmer the somewhat tension that is rising.

"Well, I just thought you would've been back sooner, is all,"

"Well, since you didn't want lunch, I was still hungry regardless so I just took Regulus to get something to eat. I think he needs more people in his corner right now, Lily," James says gently. "He's got something to do with that case Mary and Remus took on. He's not so bad, y'know? You could be a little nicer to him,"

Lily shrugs, sighing deeply. "He could be a little nicer to me," She tuts.

James shakes his head. "He's only impolite because you're impolite. He's...Regulus isn't insufferable, y'know." James bites his lip.

"He could've fooled me," Lily rolls her eyes.

"I have a sonogram, if you'd like to see it," James says, hoping to change the conversation. "The baby is really tiny, but I think that's just because Regulus is rather thin,"

James extends the sonogram towards Lily, slipping it across the table. Lily glances at it, swallowing. She chews the inside of her cheek. "Oh," She says gently. "It's....the baby is very small, aren't they?"

James nods, smiling a little bit at the progress. Today just seems to be a day for progress. "They are," He agrees. "But that's okay,"

Lily sighs, biting her lip. "Is he nicer to you than he is to me?"

"Who? Regulus?" James asks.

Lily hums, nodding. James shrugs in response. "He's indifferent towards me. I don't think he's necessarily nice to anyone, but he's what he is, y'know," He offers, unsure of what else to say. "Why are you asking?"

"Just curious,"

They go out for drinks with their friends the next weekend. Sirius admits that Regulus had ever so gracefully said he would rather be sentenced to Azkaban than watch them all get tipsy. James is sure Regulus isn't unhappy about potentially babysitting them all, maybe just them all in general.

James supposes that Regulus is going to paint for the evening. He figures Regulus likes to be alone.

James chats to Dorcas, he can see Sirius and Remus dancing nearby; some unfamiliar rock song playing loudly. "So, how is everything regarding the baby?" Dorcas asks. "Lily...she isn't still stropping, is she?" Dorcas wonders, hesitantly.

James sighs, shaking his head. He grips his drink tighter in his hands. "I...I don't want to comment on Lily right now. She's your friend-"

Dorcas scoffs slightly. "Friends don't treat their friends the way Lily's been treating everyone, James," She argues. "You included," She adds.

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