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When James returns home, Lily isn't home. He sighs a little at this realization. She hasn't left a note, but James can only imagine that she is at work.

Besides, he has training today; at least that is something to look forward to, something to wash his mind of the image of Regulus crumpled on the upstairs bathroom floor, despite indefinitely having taken his nausea potions.

After his training, James showers before heading out with Peter, Remus and Sirius for lunch and maybe a little bit of gossiping, if they're feeling it. Despite how James spends almost every minute of every day with the three of them, he can not help but feel so lonesome with Lily gone.

James is a social butterfly. He likes to be around people. He likes to be in constant conversation. It is something James needs to subside his lonliness. He can not deal with an empty house and a mute wife over something as silly as Marlene saying something to her.

James has been lonesome and void ever since his parent's death, and the addition of the death of a baby he never got to meet. He hasn't got a lot, but he has Lily sometimes, when she isn't busy working or argueing with him.

At least he has his boys. His mates.

"So," Sirius starts, dragging James from his thoughts. "How is Lily after last night? Is she still angry with you?"

"Or anyone else for that mater?" Peter adds, arching an eyebrow.

James laughs a little at this. "She isn't, like insane, guys. She's...she's just got a lot going on. You wouldn't understand it,"

"Well, I'd like to add, so has Regulus. She wouldn't understand that because she takes no time to consider him," Remus retorts quickly. He shrugs before, "At least you're a lot better to him, Prongs. I'm glad you helped him out this morning,"

"Yeah, he appreciated it. He spoke few words about it, but I know he was at least a little more at ease after this morning," Sirius adds. "I think you guys may have made a breakthrough!" He jokes.

Peter snorts. "Over Regulus vomiting?" He chrips.

"Hey, where is Regulus, anyways?" James inquires, curiously, hoping to steer the conversation away from Regulus' morning sickness. "You guys hardly left him at home?"

Sirius shrugs in response. "He's out for lunch with a friend or two. I think it's really good for him to be able to get out and have a little bit of normalcy,"

Peter frowns. "He's not a kid, y'know. You guys talk about him like he's a little kid, like a very antisocial little kid, but a kid, nonetheless," He says. "Isn't he, like, twenty something?"

Sirius laughs. "He will always be a kid to me,"

"You're barely older than him," James adds.

Chuckling, Peter nods. "Yeah, I'm sure you were barely out before Regulus existed as a fetus,"

Sirius rolls his eyes. "He's my little brother. Reggie will always be a frail little boy in my eyes," He shrugs. "Especially because he's pregnant now, I feel like he needs to be treated like he's a baby,"

"It's not like we adopted him, Sirius," Remus smirks. "But, I agree. He needs some coddling, he's been around icy people for too long,"

"Awh, you guys are gonna melt him! So cute!" Peter laughs.

James shakes his head, laughing a little. "Who...who are Regulus' friends? I mean, 'icy people', surely you didn't let him out with those people?"

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