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There are numerous voices blurred behind James' ears, all swarming, all fighting for his attention. But all he can hear are Regulus' words ringing in his head. I think that I fucking l-love you, Potter.

I think that I fucking l-love you, Potter.

"Dad, would you like to cut the cord?" A nearby voice calls to him.

I think that I fucking l-love you, Potter.

James feels his eyes widen. It takes James a moment to realize that he is dad. He is a father. He looks down at Regulus, he's still gripping the younger man's shaking hand tightly. Regulus stares back up at him, his eyes empty and exhausted looking.

"Can you want me to?" James fumbles for his words, far too awestruck at the loud, ongoing screeching to form a proper, coherent sentence.

"Go...go on," Regulus' voice is barely above a choked whisper. It is exhausted and strained, weary, almost beyond repair.

James, inhaling sharply, squeezes Regulus' hand gently before departing from him for a brief moment. His daughter is screaming loudly. One James approaches her, he can see that her perfect little face is twisted into a frown, her tiny lips parted to let her cries out.

"Here you go, sweetheart," A nurse says softly, she must feel the utter shock radiating that is off of him, handing James the medical tool that eerily resembles a scissors. James takes a breath before gently cutting through the cord. His daughter is freer now. She squirms freely. "Would you like to hold her, son?" The nurse inquires.

James nods. "I...yes," He breathes.

The nurse smiles. "Here, cradle your arms for me, hon. Cradle her little head too, make sure her little neck is supported, won't you? She really is so little, mmh?"

James hums in agreement, too in awe to correlate words, as he adjusts the tiny, wriggling baby in his arms. He smiles down at her as soon as she settles, her cries ongoing. "I know, I know," He whispers softly, stroking her small cheek. "It's so cold and loud out here, isn't it?" He muses.

He takes her in. She's smaller than he ever thought somebody could be. She has a small, little upturned nose, just like Regulus and Sirius do, a wet head of dark hair and bright, grey eyes. She looks just like Regulus. All of her features match Regulus'.

James smiles wider. She is a miniature Regulus, a tiny Regulus laying in his arms with her bright eyes and inky hair. A striking contrast.

Now, James has never seen Bailey Meyers, he has never met him, but he knows wholeheartedly that this little girl holds no resemblance to him in the slightest. She is all Regulus Black. Even her little whines as she slowly comes down from her screeching.

James glances back to Regulus, his face is flushed and his eyes are closed, his breathing evening out as his chest slowly rises up and down. He is shivering incontrollable, his teeth chattering loudly.

James holds his baby girl tight as he steps over to the side of the hospital bed, hesitantly leaning into Regulus' view. Regulus' eyes are still hazy and empty.

"Regulus," Comes James' whisper. " you want to see her?" James offers quietly.

Regulus doesn't open his eyes. He shakes his head firmly, swallowing as he shivers.

James swallows. "She...she looks just like you, y'know-" He tries. "She's so gorgeous,"

"No," Regulus says. His voice is strained, scratchy and raspy as he speaks. But still obtains it's firmness, it's defensiveness. "Just...just take her a-away," He utters quietly.

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