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Their first day as housemates goes better than James had expected it to. Regulus mainly keeps to himself. With him, he seems to have brought more books than James has ever seen in his entire lifetime. He briefly finds himself wondering if Regulus himself has even gotten around to reading them all.

Lily had left earlier that morning, an abundance of her things going with her, and James wonders if he will hear from her anytime soon.

James is seated, much later in the day, at the kitchen table; his usual spot. He watches as Regulus pads down the staircase, clad in his pajamas still. "Nice of you to join the rest of the world," James hums.

Regulus rolls his eyes, stretching out a little, a hand pressed to the small of his back, the lower part. "Piss off," He grumbles. James wonders briefly if he should monitor Regulus' back. He seems strained and hunched, his shoulders slouched. "Your girlfriend coming back anytime soon?" He challenges, warily.

"She was here this morning," James comments. "She collected some of her stuff. As long as you're here, she won't be, I'm assuming," He sighs softly.

For a slight, short second in the passing time, Regulus almost appears apologetic; but his scowl soon returns. "Oh," He grits slightly.

"Mmh," James hums. "Uh, how did you sleep? Everything alright for you? Sorry for...um...waking you earlier,"

"The bed was cosy, I suppose," Regulus offers wearily. James doesn't think Regulus will acknowledge his minor apology until he speaks again, shaking his head. "It's fine. I'm a light sleeper anyways."

James nods. They're tense, stiffened. They always are. "Here, I'll make you some more tea, how's your nausea? I won't use your tummy with tea, will I?"

Regulus shrugs in response, sitting down at the kitchen table, fumbling with a signet ring that sits on his left hand. "It's fine," He answers.

"So the potions are working then?"

"Mmh," Regulus nods. He pauses for a long time, his lips slightly parted, almost an indication to James that he is going to eventually speak again. "Um, thanks, y'know, for letting me stay here, I know healer Bex said it would help, but..." Regulus pauses for quite sometime before sighing. "But you didn't have to, is all I'm trying to say," "

James shrugs, shaking his head. "You don't have to thank me, Regulus," He utters. "I...I get that this is weird, but as long as you're healthy, you're both healthy, I can get used to it," James hesitates. "Can you get used to it?"

Regulus scoffs. He thinks. "Well, potentially, if your girlfriend closes her mouth., Potter," He muses slightly, the corners of his lips turning upwards in the faintest manner. 

James rolls his eyes. "You....you don't know her like I do, alright?"

Regulus arches an eyebrow, smirking properly now. James almost groans. Had he made an innuendo? "Yeah. Thank Merlin for that,"

"Do you need help unpacking?" James steers the conversation away from Lily. Perhaps for his own benefit.

Regulus glances at the pile of bags in the corner of the room. "Mmh," He hums quietly. "After tea?" He says hopefully and suddenly he is a small child to James, innocence sparkling in his eyes. Regulus is creating a life. He can't be entirely evil, no matter what Lily presumes.

"After tea," James confirms.

James allocates a certain area of the living room to Regulus' artistic nature. Regulus stares at him blankly upon hearing the news. He blinks. "Are you...are you serious?" He inquires.

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