Missing him

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Ten days had passed since Arjun had left for the battlefield.

Initially, news of the war would arrive frequently, with messengers bringing updates about the progress and the valor displayed by the Pandava prince.

However, as days turned into weeks, the messages had dwindled to a halt, leaving the palace in a state of anxious anticipation.

Draupadi, ever the devoted wife, had taken a solemn vow of Durga vrat for Arjun's safety.

Each morning, she would rise before dawn, bathe, and dress in a simple sari, signifying her penance and prayers.

She would light a lamp before the idol of Goddess Durga, offering flowers and chanting mantras, her heart heavy with worry and hope. Her prayers were fervent, her hands folded in supplication as she sought the goddess's blessings for her husband's safe return.

Kunti, Gandhari, Devika, and Valandhara had been a constant source of support for her.

Kunti, with her infinite wisdom and maternal love, often sat with Draupadi, sharing stories of their family and reminding her of Arjun's strength and courage.

Gandhari, offered words of comfort and assurance.

Devika and Valandhara,
helped Draupadi with her prayers and keeping her company through the long days.


Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Arjun's prowess had become the stuff of legends.

The Kamarupa king and his forces had been taken aback by the sheer ferocity and skill displayed by the Pandava prince.

Arjun's arrows rained down with such precision that entire battalions would falter under his assault.

His chariot , moved like a storm, swift and unrelenting.In the heat of battle, Arjun was a sight to behold.

His  bow sang as he released arrow after arrow, each one finding its mark.

His eyes, sharp and focused, scanned the battlefield, directing his attacks with deadly accuracy.

The enemies trembled at his approach, their morale wavering in the face of his unstoppable force.

Yet, even amidst the chaos and bloodshed, Arjun's thoughts often wandered to his wife.

At night, when the battlefield fell silent and the fires burned low, he would sit by the campfire, staring into the flames and remembering Draupadi.

He missed her presence, her voice, and the way her eyes would light up when she smiled. The memory of her touch, the warmth of her embrace, haunted his dreams, making the nights even lonelier.

In those quiet moments, he would speak to the stars, imagining that Draupadi was looking at the same sky, praying for his safety.

"Panchali," he would whisper, his voice filled with longing, "I will return to you. Stay strong, my love."

Love's Battlefield: Draupadi And The ArcherWhere stories live. Discover now