Birth of yajnaseni

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In the grand palace of Panchal, King Drupada and his queen, Prishati, were immersed in preparations for a grand yajna to invoke Agni Dev, praying for the blessing of children.

The air buzzed with anticipation and fervent devotion as the royal courtiers and servants worked tirelessly to ensure that every detail of the ceremony was perfect.

The aroma of incense and fresh flowers permeated the atmosphere, creating an aura of sanctity and reverence.

King Drupada, dressed in regal finery, looked at his queen with a mixture of hope and determination. "This yajna is not just a ritual," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "It is our plea to the divine for a child who will uphold dharma and bring glory to Panchal."

Prishati, adorned in exquisite silks and jewels, nodded. "Our prayers will be answered, swami. Agni Dev will surely bless us."

The invitations for this divine yajna had been sent far and wide, reaching the courts of many important kings.


One such invitation found its way to the magnificent city of Dwaraka, where it was received by none other than Lord Krishna.

As Krishna read the letter, a serene smile played on his lips.

He sensed the significance of this event, knowing that it heralded the birth of a key player in the future of dharma.

"This yajna in Panchal is of great importance," Krishna mused. "It marks the beginning of something extraordinary."

Krishna's thoughts were interrupted by the presence of his beloved wife, Satya.

"Where are you planning to go this time, my lord?" Satya asked playfully, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Krishna chuckled, pulling her close. "To Panchal, my dear. King Drupada is conducting a grand yajna, and I must attend."

Satya pouted, her possessiveness coming to the fore. "Then I will go with you. I cannot bear to be apart from you, even for a moment."

Krishna loved and cherished Satya's possessiveness. It was a testament to the depth of her love for him. "Very well, my love," he said, caressing her cheek. "You shall accompany me.
Together, we will witness the divine blessings unfold."


Meanwhile, in another part of the kingdom, the esteemed Guru Dronacharya received his invitation.

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