Love or attraction?

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The entire night, Draupadi tossed and turned, her thoughts repeatedly drifting back to Arjun. She didn't know how to feel about this; it was all new to her and confusing. Agitation gnawed at her, leaving her in a restless state.

The next day, she made her way to the practice grounds for her sword training as usual.

Her father had appointed some of the best swordsmen for her training, but due to her bad mood, she used all her strength and skill, almost defeating all the warriors.

Unbeknownst to her, Krishna, Arjun, and Nakul stood there, watching from the start.

For Arjun, it felt like she was performing a beautiful dance with her sword; her moves were graceful and mesmerizing.

On the other side, Draupadi was absent-minded. She didn't notice an opponent attacking her from behind.

At the last moment, she realized the danger and dodged, but a slight cut appeared on her arm, and the force of her movement caused her bun to unravel, letting her hair flow freely.

Krishna, concerned by his sister's distracted state, watched intently.

Draupadi quickly regained her concentration, fought her opponent with renewed focus, and successfully took him down, pointing the end of her sword at his neck and demanding he accept defeat.

Before the opponent could respond, a slow clap echoed through the grounds.

Draupadi turned her head to see Krishna, Arjun, and Nakul standing there, Krishna applauding her performance."Well done, kalyani!" Krishna called out, his eyes twinkling with pride and amusement.

Draupadi's eyes widened in surprise as she recognized her brother and his companions. Her gaze lingered on Arjun, her heart skipping a beat. She sheathed her sword and approached them, her cheeks flushed from the exertion and the unexpected audience.

Krishna's playful grin widened as he stepped closer to Draupadi. "Kalyani, your moves were incredible. But tell me, why are you so angry today?"

Draupadi frowned, trying to mask her agitation. "I'm not angry, Bhrata . I'm just focused on my training."

Krishna's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Oh, come now. It was quite evident in your movements. Isn't that right, Parth?".

Arjun, caught off guard, looked between Krishna and Draupadi. He hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yes, your intensity was... remarkable. It did seem like something was driving you."

Love's Battlefield: Draupadi And The ArcherWhere stories live. Discover now