Arjun is back to hastinapur

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Arjun’s journey back to Hastinapur was filled with both relief and apprehension.

He had managed to resolve the issue in Kamarupa, but the unresolved matter of his return weighed heavily on him.

The journey was long and arduous, and with each passing day, he became more anxious about how Draupadi would receive him.

Despite his intentions to explain things directly, he worried about the emotional toll this might take on her.


As the news of Arjun's return spread throughout Hastinapur, the royal family gathered to welcome him back.

The air was thick with anticipation and a hint of unease.

The most conspicuous smiles were those of Shakuni, Duryodhana, Dushasana, and Karna, who were eagerly anticipating the sight of Arjun with a new bride, their glee palpable as they believed Arjun had married again.

Draupadi stood near the entrance, holding the aarti thali, her demeanor a blend of composure and underlying sorrow.

The weight of her anxiety was evident; she felt faint with every passing moment.

Observing her distress, Devika gently took the aarti plate from Draupadi's trembling hands."Don't worry, Draupadi. We are here with you," Devika said soothingly.

Arjun dismounted from his horse, climbing the steps with a sense of pride and determination.

He scanned the gathering and immediately sensed the strained cheerfulness in everyone's faces.

His eyes met Draupadi’s, who stood with her head bowed, trying to hide her emotions.

He noted her gaunt appearance and immediately realized the toll his absence had taken on her.

Turning his attention to Shakuni, Duryodhana, and Dushasana, who were clearly relishing the thought of Arjun’s new marriage, Arjun internally smirked.

He knew their joy was premature and decided to play along with their assumptions for a moment longer.

Arjun broke the silence, his voice carrying a hint of playful mockery. “Why does it seem like everyone here is so glum? It looks like Shakuni mama is the only one truly happy about my victory.”

Kunti, sensing the delicate nature of the situation and fearing Draupadi's feelings, quickly intervened. “Arjun, there is nothing of the sort. We are all extremely proud of your achievements and very happy to have you back.”

Devika, always perceptive, added, “Arjun, I believe you should call your wife so that we can complete the aarti for both of you. I’ve been waiting to perform the ritual.”

Arjun, caught off guard, began to respond but was interrupted by Bhima.

Bhima, concerned for Draupadi and keen to expedite the process, urged, “Arjun, let’s handle this matter later. For now, let’s finish the aarti .”

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