This is Definitely Not a One Time Thing

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It had been a month since that first body had been found and I was hoping that it was a one-off and he wasn't here. We weren't making any headway with leads. If my father was here, he was practically invisible. It was lulling me into a false sense of security.

And in that security, Andy and I had continued our affair. We christened his new office, the supply closet in both the court house and the precinct (after hours of course) and both of our cars. As horrible of a person that admitting this makes me, I didn't feel guilty. It took Andy coming to town to make me realize that whatever I had with Jimmy had fizzled out a long time ago. Maybe that's why I couldn't commit to a wedding date. We'd been engaged since we left high school but I wanted to graduate college first. And then I wanted to pass through the academy, and then and then and then, there was always another reason for me to put it off. And then we became comfortable and didn't see a point in changing anything.

But with Andy, I felt valued. I felt new, which in a way I guess I was. Our couplings didn't feel like a chore to be done at the end of the day. We were both rediscovering what we liked, what we didn't like and what the other did that was new to us.

We had met up that morning at the gym, early so there was no one else there. After swimming some laps, we snuck into the women's locker room to get ready for the day. I had gotten in one of the showers, needing to wash the chlorine out of my hair. I stepped under the spray, moaning lowly as the water heated me up. My eyes closed, I was zoning out when I felt Andy come up behind me. He moved my hair over one shoulder and placed open mouth kisses along my neck. I leaned back into him, letting out a louder moan as I felt him against my butt.

He turned me around and lifted me up, pressing my back against the wall of the shower. I wrapped my legs around his waist and we both moaned as he thrust up into me. He was quick in his ministrations, both of us too worked up to want to go slow. He brought his hand in between our bodies and tweaked my clit in a way that he learned, rather quickly, sent me right over the edge, clenching around him and pulling his release from him.

Andy pulled out of me and set me gently back on the floor of the shower. I finished cleaning myself off from both workouts and turned the water off, wrapping myself in a towel and leaving him there to go get changed. I smirked at him, winked and left the locker room once I was completely dressed and ready to go.

I was on my way to the precinct when my phone rang and Walker was redirecting me to a crime scene. Please let this be anything other than another body to add to my father's count. I pulled into the parking lot of a seedy motel on the south side of town and got out of my car. As I approached Walker I could tell from the look on his face that this was another victim of Charles...

I walked over to where the body was found and my breath immediately got caught in my throat. This woman was a dead ringer for my mom. He even took the time to put her in similar clothes that my mom had been wearing when she died. "What do we got?" I jumped, eyes wide in fear as I hadn't heard Andy come up beside me. I struggled to breathe, eyes pleading with Walker to take over. He seemed to get the message as he filled Andy in on the latest victim.

I stepped away from the scene, as far as I could before I lost the contents of my stomach in the bushes lining the parking lot. I felt a hand on my back and looked up, seeing Andy standing over me, concern written clearly across his face. I tried to speak, to assure him I was fine but nothing was coming out. And then I was crying. Not just crying, hyperventilating. This was not happening. I had never been able to get rid of those images of my mom from all those years ago and now there would be new horrors to add to that. They were all there, any time I closed my eyes, staring back at me with cold dead eyes. I was panicking, I couldn't get my breathing under control. My ears were ringing, a rushing sound that could only be compared to getting caught up in tidal wave after tidal wave as they crashed over the shore, pulling me under. I could see Andy talking to Walker, gesturing over to me and Walker nodding in response to whatever Andy had said. 

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