Here's to New Beginnings

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"Ok, she's crowning. I need you to stop pushing." The delivery nurse said to me. I had been at this for hours. Actually it was more like a day and a half already. This baby just did not want to come. After thirty-six hours of miniscule movement I had finally dilated enough to be taken into a delivery room. Now it felt like I had been pushing for hours. I'm seriously hoping that that wasn't the case but I didn't have the courage to ask Andy.

Andy, who had been amazing this whole time. I know he had done this before but he had been nothing but supportive. When the epidural had worn off he was sitting behind me, placing pressure on my back, rubbing my back and just doing everything he could to help me through the worst pain I had ever experienced. I lean back against him and he takes a moment to wipe the sweat from my forehead. "You're doing great sweetheart." He says reassuringly.

"I love you and what you're doing but I need you to shut the fuck up right now." I strain out as another contraction hits. "Mother fucker!!!" I scream as it feels I'm being split in half. I'm given the go ahead to push on the next contraction and I do my best to give it all I've got, trying to get her out of me. 

"Her head is out." a nurse says as her cries fill the room. Two contractions later and the rest of her is out as well and she's greeting the world with the same ferociousness as her mother. They place her on my chest and my hands instinctively come up to cradle her. 

"Hi little one. I'm your mommy." I whisper as she tries to look around as best she can as a newborn. Andy is looking over my shoulder, completely mesmerized by the little girl on my chest.

"Have we decided on a name yet?" The OBGYN asks as some nurses come over and take her and Andy follows to cut the cord. 

"Not yet." I say, my voice strained from the hours of grunting and yelling my way through painful contractions. 

"That's ok, you've got some time. I'm going to take her to get shots and everything else she needs." She informs us as they wheel the little bassinet out into the hall. I fall back against the pillows, completely and totally exhausting. Andy comes over and I make room for him to join me on the hospital bed.

"You were amazing." he says, placing a kiss on my forehead as he wraps his arm around me and I lean into his side, almost ready to fall asleep.

"I'm sorry I told you to shut up." I say sleepily.

"It's all forgiven." he assures me.

"I think she's already looking like you." I say as they bring her back and hand her to him. He looks so natural with a baby in his arms. It was such a turn on. As if he hears my thoughts he turns to look at me and wags his eyebrows at me. I just smile and roll my eyes. 

"She needs a name." He says.

"And as soon as we come up with the right on, she will." I say. This is something we'd been arguing over since we've found out that we were expecting a girl. He thinks for a moment before a dorky grin overtakes his face. 

"What about Leia?" He suggests.

"As in Leia Organa from Star Wars?" I ask and he smiles sheepishly.


"I love it." I say just before Charlie and Jacob walk into the room.

"Oh my gosh! She's here." Charlie says, walking up to Andy to take a look at his niece. 

"She's so tiny." Jacob notes as he examines her too. I can see from here that she's examining them as much as they are examining her. I knew it would only be a matter of time before she had all three of them wrapped around her little fingers.

"So does she have a name?" Charlie asks.

"Jacob, Charlie we'd like you to meet Leia Rae Barber." Both of the boys laughed at the complete nerdiness of her name. 

"Welcome to the world Leia." Charlie says.

" Charlie says

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The End

And that's a wrap on Secrets & Oaths. Thank you all so much for all the love you've shown this story! Andy Barber is one of my favorite characters and to bring him a happy ending was great! I will be sitting down either tonight or tomorrow to type of the first chapter of Through Space & Time, so be on the lookout for that. Love you guys!

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